The Physical Internet Initiative aims at transforming the way physical objects are moved, stored, realized, supplied and used, pursuing global logistics efficiency and sustainability. Originating from Professor Benoit Montreuil in 2006, this ground breaking vision, revolutionizing current paradigms, has stirred great interest from scientific, industrial as well as governmental communities.
The Physical Internet: Interconnected logistics networks, sharing assets and capabilities
Courtesy of the European Technology Platform ALICE. The video explains the benefits of moving towards a physical internet and the different areas in which the concept is being developed to reach advanced Physical Internet implementations by 2030 in logistics nodes, logistics networks and systems of logistics networks providing and facilitating access to users and establishing solid governance models.
Featured White Papers
- Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Road-Based Transit Center
Russell D. Meller, Benoit Montreuil, Collin Thivierge, Zachary Montreuil IMHRC 2010 - Towards a Physical Internet: The Impact on Logistics Facilities and Material Handling Systems Design and Innovation
Benoit Montreuil, Russel D. Meller, Eric Ballot - Towards a Physical Internet: Meeting the Global Logistics Sustainability Grand Challenge
Benoit Montreuil
Dr. Benoit Montreuil leads Georgia Tech's initiatives to develop the cutting edge knowledge required to design and operate the globally emerging "Physical Internet". His main research interests lie in developing concepts, methodologies and technologies for creating, optimizing, transforming and enabling businesses and value creation networks to thrive in a fast evolving world. He stands at the crossroads of industrial and systems engineering, operations research, computer science and operations, logistics, supply chain, strategic management.
An early video of Dr. Benoit Montreuil explaining the Physical Internet Concept to TEDx audience
ALICE - Physical Internet
The European Technology Platform ALICE ( is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe.
Modulushca Project
Discover MODULUSHCA project, a new concept for logistics operations. The project addresses the recently introduced Physical Internet vision, which proposes to use a new framework of logistics especially designed for the resources sharing thanks to open standard on load units, real time identification and routing through open facilities.
Benoit Montreuil at TEDxBucharest
Benoit Montreuil discusses his research which seeks to help businesses and value creation networks perform better in our fast moving world. His concepts and methodologies are at the crossroads of computer science, logistics, strategic management and systems engineering. He has introduced an imposing set of paradigm-challenging leading-edge contributions such as virtual cellular manufacturing systems, fractal and holographic factory organization, industrial microcosm, network enterprises, tetrahedral business design framework, and others. He has also been awarded as 2011 Rainmaker of the Year for introducing the ground-breaking Physical Internet and spearheading the International Physical Internet Initiative towards efficient and sustainable interconnected logistics.
Physical Internet Initiative (MINES ParisTech)
Eric Ballot, professor and researcher at MINES ParisTech - CGS, presents the Physical Internet Initiative, as a member of the steering committee.

Dr. Benoit Montreuil leads Georgia Tech's initiatives to develop the cutting edge knowledge required to design and operate the globally emerging "Physical Internet". His main research interests lie in developing concepts, methodologies and technologies for creating, optimizing, transforming and enabling businesses and value creation networks to thrive in a fast evolving world. He stands at the crossroads of industrial and systems engineering, operations research, computer science and operations, logistics, supply chain, strategic management.

"The Physical Internet Will Rest On The Internet Of Things" appeared in discussing the Physical Internet initiative and how it can be used as an approach in rethinking the global supply chain.

The Physical Internet: The Network of Logistics Networks
Eric Ballot , Benoit Montreuil , Russell Meller