A. Published Books, Book Chapters, and Edited Volumes

A1. Books

  1. Ballot, É, B. Montreuil, R.D. Meller (2020), The Physical Internet, (Japanese adapatation of Ballot & Montreuil (2014)), La Documentation Francaise, business.nikkei.com, 270p., ISBN978-4-296-10605-9.
  2. Ballot, É, B. Montreuil, R.D. Meller (2014), The Physical Internet: The Network of Logistics Networks, (English adaptation of Ballot & Montreuil (2014), L’Internet Physique: Le Réseau des Réseaux de Prestation Logistique), La Documentation Française, Paris, France, 205p.
  3. Miller D., C. Chan, C. Despins, G. Feller, I. Götzl, A. Heyes, S. Liang, B. Montreuil, K. Morison, j. Nathwani, J. Pagel, T. Rand, J. Robinson (2014): Enabling Sustainability in an Interconnected World, The Expert Panel on the Potential for New and Innovative Uses of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for Greening Canada, Council of Canadian Academies, 224 p. https://fr.scribd.com/document/230070925/Enabling-Sustainability-in-an-Interconnected-World
  4. Miller D., C. Chan, C. Despins, G. Feller, I. Götzl, A. Heyes, S. Liang, B. Montreuil, K. Morison, j. Nathwani, J. Pagel, T. Rand, J. Robinson (2014) : Promouvoir la Durabilité dans un Monde Interconnecté, Le comité d’experts sur le potential des applications nouvelles et novatrices des technologies de l’informaiton et des communications (TIC) pour écologiser le Canada, Conseil des Académies Canadiennes, 248 p. https://www.rapports-cac.ca/reports/promouvoir-la-durabilite-dans-un-monde-interconnecte/
  5. Ballot É., B. Montreuil (2014), L’Internet Physique: Le Réseau des Réseaux de Prestation Logistique (French language book on the Physical Internet: The Network of Logistics Service Networks), La Documentation Française, Paris, France, 205 p.
  6. Ballot E., B. Montreuil, R. Glardon, R. Sarraj, S. Pan, D. Hakimi, O. Gobet & M. Thémans (2012).  Simulation de l’Internet Physique: contribution à la mesure des enjeux et à sa definition, PREDIT, Paris, France, 200 p.
  7. Poulin, D., B. Montreuil & S. Gauvin (1994). L'entreprise-réseau : Bâtir aujourd’hui l’organisation de demain (The Network Enterprise : Building Today the Organization of Tomorrow), Publi-Relais, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 335 p.
  8. D. Poulin, B. Montreuil & S. Gauvin (1993). L'approche entreprise en mode réseau : une approche globale. Ministère de l'Industrie, du Commerce et de la Technologie du Québec, Canada.

A2. Refereed Book Chapters

  1. Crainic T., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected city logistics: a conceptual framework, Chapter 20 of Handbook of city logistics and urban freight, edited by E. Marcucci, V. Gatta, M. Le Pira, 398-421,  https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800370173.00032
  2. Cerabona, T., F. Benaben, L. Faugere, M. Lauras, JP. Gitto, B. Montreuil (2023). Introduction to A Physics-Based Theory to Manage Risks and Opportunities in Supply Chains, Enterprise Interoperability IX:  Interoperability in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, pp. 283-292.
  3. Li J., Shaikh S., B. Montreuil (2022). Physical Internet Operations: Hyperconnected Logistics Realization of Sustainability (Mandarin & English versions), Chapter of Physical Internet: The Revolution We are Encountering – Hundreds of Schools of Thought Argue About the Physical Internet, Ed. by Tian Min & Ma Hong, China, pp. 285-303, ISBN 978-7-5496-3853-6.
  4. Xu Y., O. Kulkarni, S. S. Kwon, B. Montreuil (2022). Physical Internet Networks: Multi-Tier Resilient Hyperconnected Logistics Web Design (Mandarin & English versions), Chapter of Chapter of Physical Internet: The Revolution We are Encountering – Hundreds of Schools of Thought Argue About the Physical Internet, Ed. by Tian Min & Ma Hong, China, pp. 264-283, ISBN 978-7-5496-3853-6.
  5. Bao W., J. Shi, B. Montreuil (2022). Physical Internet Facilities: Nodes of the Logistics Web (Mandarin & English versions), Chapter of Physical Internet: The Revolution We are Encountering – Hundreds of Schools of Thought Argue About the Physical Internet, Ed. by Tian Min & Ma Hong, China, pp. 242-263, ISBN 978-7-5496-3853-6.
  6. Grover N., B. Montreuil (2022). PI Containers: Smart Modular Containers for Efficient Operations (Mandarin & English versions), Chapter of Physical Internet: The Revolution We are Encountering – Hundreds of Schools of Thought Argue About the Physical Internet, Ed. by Tian Min & Ma Hong, China, pp. 234-241, ISBN 978-7-5496-3853-
  7. Montreuil B. (2022). Preface (Mandarin & English versions) of Chapter of Physical Internet: The Revolution We are Encountering – Hundreds of Schools of Thought Argue About the Physical Internet, Ed. by Tian Min & Ma Hong, China, pp. IV-VIII, ISBN 978-7-5496-3853-6.
  8. Montreuil B. (2022). Embarking on the Physical Internet Journey, フィジカルインターネットの実現に向けて The Physical Internet, Ed. Tsutomi Araki, Japan,
    ISBN 978-4-296-11246-3
  9. Crainic T., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil (2022). Hyperconnected City Logistics: A Conceptual Framework, Chapter 20 of Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight, Edited by E. Marcucci, V. Gatta, and M. Le Pira, p. 398- Edward Edgar, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800370173, https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8gPEEAAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PR3&hl=fr&lr=
  10. Betti Q., B. Montreuil, R. Khoury, S. Hallé (2019). Smart Contracts-Enabled Simulation for Hyperconnected Logistics, Decentralised Internet of Things, Edited by A. Khan, T. Quasim, F. Algarni & A. Alharthi, “Studies in Big Data” book series, Springer, pp 109-149. https://doi.org/1007/978-3-030-38677-1_6
  11. Montreuil B., S. Buckley, L. Faugere, R. Khir & S. Derhami (2018). Urban Parcel Logistics Hub and Network Design: The Impact of Modularity and Hyperconnectivity, Progress in Material Handling Research: 2018, Ed. A. Carrano et al., MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/pmhr_2018/19/
  12. Fouzia O., O. Labarthe, P. Pujo & B. Montreuil (2018). Multicriteria Supplier Selection for Supply Chain Management, Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, Springer, pp 27-40.
  13. Montreuil B. (2017). Omnichannel Business-to-Consumer Logistics and Supply Chains: Towards Hyperconnected Networks and Facilities, Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 14, Ed. K. Ellis et al., MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.
  14. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2016). Introducing the Concept of Hyperconnected Mobile Production, Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 13, Ed. J. Smith et al., MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/pmhr_2016/16/
  15. Montreuil B., E. Ballot, W. Tremblay (2016). Modular Design of Physical Internet Transport, Handling and Packaging Containers, Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 13, Ed. J. Smith et al., MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/pmhr_2014/1/
  16. Crainic T. G. & B. Montreuil (2016). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected City Logistics, Transportation Research Procedia – Tenth International Conference on City Logistics, v12, 383-398. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2002.074
  17. Kimiagari S., Montreuil B. (2016) Clustering Geo-markets Using Self-Organizing Maps: Application to Natural Disaster Planning and Recovery. In: Groza M., Ragland C. (eds) Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham, pp 591-609.
  18. Kimiagari.S, P. Gabrielsson, M. Gabrielsson, B. Montreuil (2015). Market Deployment Strategy for Born Global Firms Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship Strategy: Improving SME Performance Globally, in Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship Strategy: Improving SME Performance Globally, Edited by P. N. Ghauri, V. H. M. Kirpalani, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, to appear.
  19. Montreuil, B., M.K. Ogle, K.R. Gue (2014). Material Handling and Logistics Research with High Impact Potential, in Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, Ed. B. Montreuil, A. Carrano, K. Gue, R. de Koster, M. Ogle and J. Smith, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., B1-B32.
  20. Montreuil, B., R.D. Meller, C. Thivierge, C., and Z. Montreuil (2014). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Unimodal Road-Based Crossdocking Hub, in Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, Ed. B. Montreuil, A. Carrano, K. Gue, R. de Koster, M. Ogle & J. Smith, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., p. 379-431.
  21. Ballot, E., B. Montreuil & C. Thivierge (2014). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Road-Rail Hub, in Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, Ed. B. Montreuil, A. Carrano, K. Gue, R. de Koster, M. Ogle & J. Smith, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., p. 28-61.
  22. Meller, R.D., B. Montreuil, C. Thivierge & Z. Montreuil (2014). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Road-Based Transit Center, in Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, Ed. B. Montreuil, A. Carrano, K. Gue, R. de Koster, M. Ogle & J. Smith, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., p. 347-378.
  23. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2014). Refurbishing and Recycling Facilities Design Methodology, in Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, MHI, Ed. B. Montreuil, A. Carrano, K. Gue, R. de Koster, M. Ogle & J. Smith, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., p. 303-318.
  24. Montreuil B., J.-F. Rougès, Y. Cimon, D. Poulin (2013). The Physical Internet and Business Model Innovation, in Best of TIM Review for Technology Entrepreneurs, edited by T. Bailetti, B. Hurley & D. Doyle, Talent First Network, Part II, Chapter 6, 7p.
  25. Montreuil B., R.D. Meller & E. Ballot (2013). Physical Internet Foundations, in Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing and Robotics, ed. T. Borangiu, A. Thomas and D. Trentesaux, Springer, p. 151-166. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-642-35852-4_10.pdf
  26. Ballot, E., O. Gobet & B. Montreuil (2012). Physical Internet enabled open hub network design for distributed networked operations, in Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Control, edited by Borangiu, T., Thomas, A., Trentesaux, D., Vol. 402, Springer, p 279-292.
  27. Ballot, E., R. Glardon, & B. Montreuil (2011). OpenFret: Contribution to the Conceptualization and the Realization of a Physical Internet Road-Rail Hub (in French), OpenFret: contribution à la conceptualisation et à la réalisation d'un hub rail-route de l'Internet Physique. in: Les livre des projets, edited by Predit, Bordeaux, p. 332-335
  28. Sohrabi, H., & Montreuil, B. (2011). From Private Supply Networks and Shared Supply Webs to Physical Internet Enabled Open Supply Webs. In Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 235-244.
  29. Ballot, E., B. Montreuil & M. Thémans (2010). OPENFRET: Contribution to the Conceptualization and the Realization of a Physical Internet Road-Rail Hub (in French), OPENFRET: contribution à la conceptualisation et à la réalisation d'un hub rail-route de l'Internet Physique, in: MEDDAT edited by Predit, Paris, p. 114-119.
  30. Montreuil, B., R. D. Meller & E. Ballot (2010). Towards a Physical Internet: the impact on logistics facilities and material handling systems design and innovation, in Progress in Material Handling Research 2010, Edited by K. Gue et al., Material Handling Industry of America, p. 305-328. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/pmhr_2010/40/
  31. Rougès, J.-F., D. Poulin, S. D’Amours & B. Montreuil (2010). Relationship between SME Performance and Information and Communication Technology, Chapter Two of Information and Communication Technology and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: From Theory to Practice, edited by D. Poulin and S. Tran, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, p. 25-47.
  32. Caisse, S., D. Poulin, B. Montreuil & S. D’Amours (2010). Conceptual Positioning Framework for Information and Communication Technologies Aimed at Small and Medium Sized Manufacturers, Chapter one of Information and Communication Technology and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: From Theory to Practice, edited by D. Poulin and S. Tran, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, p. 7-24.
  33. Monteiro, T., D. Anciaux, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, B. Montreuil et D. Roy, (2008). L'intérêt des agents pour la simulation de la chaîne logistique, in Lavoisier - Hermès (Ed.), La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques, Traité IC2, série systèmes automatisés, C.Thierry, A. Thomas, G. Bel, chapitre 6, p. 193-226.
  34. Monteiro, T., D. Anciaux, S. D’amours, B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini, O. Labarthe, B. Montreuil et D. Roy, (2008). Simulation à base d’agents des systèmes de coordination et de planification des réseaux d’entreprises, in Lavoisier - Hermès (Ed.), La simulation pour la gestion des chaînes logistiques, Traité IC2, série systèmes automatisés, C. Thierry, A. Thomas, G. Bel, chapitre 7, p. 227 – 260.
  35. Marcotte S., M.-È. Hallé & B. Montreuil, (2008). Computer Hardware Reverse Logistics: A Field Study of Canadian Facilities, Progress in Material handling Research 2008, Material Handling Industry of America.
  36. Montreuil B., J. Ashayeri, J. Lagerwaard & G. Janssen. (2008). Business intelligence design for live piloting of order fulfillment centers, Progress in Material handling Research 2008, Material Handling Industry of America.
  37. Montreuil, B. (2007). Layout and location of facilities, Chapter 9 of Handbook on Logistics Engineering, ed. by G. Donald Taylor, CRC Press, U.S.A.
  38. Hakimi D., P-A. Leclerc, B. Montreuil, A. Ruiz. (2007). Integrating RFID and connective technologies in retail stores, Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co., Handbook of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies in Operations and Supply Chain Management, ed. by Thorsten Blecker and George Huang Erich, p.148-171.
  39. Montreuil, B. (2006). Facilities Network Design: A Recursive Modular Protomodel Based Approach, Progress in Material Handling Research : 2006, ed. by R. Meller & al., Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA), Charlotte, North-Carolina, U.S.A., p. 287-315.
  40. Montreuil B. (2005). Production planning optimization modeling in demand and supply chains of high-value consumer products, Logistics Systems: Design and Optimization, Livre anniversaire du GERAD, ed. by A. Langevin & D. Riopel, Springer Publishers.
  41. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, N. Ouazzani & M. Nourelfath (2004). AntZone Layout Metaheuristic: Coupling Zone-based Layout Optimization, ant colony system and domain knowledge, Progress in Material Handling Research : 2004, Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA), Charlotte, North-Carolina, U.S.A, p. 301-331.
  42. Montreuil B., N. Ouazzani & S. Marcotte (2002). WebLayout: an open web-based platform for factory design research and training, Progress in Material Handling : 2002, ed. by R. J. Graves et al., Material Handling Institute, Braun-Brumfield Inc.
  43. Montreuil B. (2001). Design of Agile Factory Networks for Fast-Growing Companies,  Progress in Material Handling : 2001, ed. by R. J. Graves et al., Material Handling Institute, Braun-Brumfield Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
  44. Poulin D., B. Montreuil & S. D’Amours (1999). L’Organisation virtuelle en réseau, dans La gestion des organisations : une anthologie québécoise, éd. par T. Hafsi & M. Côté, Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
  45. Montreuil B., Y. Thibault & M. Paquet (1999). Dynamic Network Factory Planning and Design, Progress in Material handling: 1999, ed. by R. J. Graves & al., Material Handling Institute, Braun-Brumfield Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., 353-379.
  46. Poulin D., B. Montreuil, Z. Su & É. Chrysostome (1996). Le modèle de l’entreprise réseau et son insertion dans le système national d’innovation, Innovation, technologie et qualification : multidimension et complexité du processus d’innovation, D.-G. Tremblay, ISBN 2-7605-0917-6, p. 61-79.
  47. Montreuil B. & P. Lefrançois (1996). Organizing Factories as Responsibility Networks, Progress in Material handling: 1996, ed. by R. J. Graves & al., Material Handling Institute, Braun-Brumfield Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., 375-411.
  48. Montreuil B., A. Martel & F. Boctor (1995). Maîtrise des Technologies de Production, dans Les Défis de la Compétitivité: Vision & Stratégies, éd. Martel & Oral, Publi-relais, Canada, p. 115-158.
  49. Poulin D., B. Montreuil & S. D’Amours (1995). L’Organisation virtuelle en réseau, in Les Défis de la Compétitivité: Vision & Stratégies, éd. Martel & Oral, Publi-relais, Canada, 59-82.
  50. Montreuil B., C. Olivier, P. Lefrançois & J. Maley (1994). Design of flow and Work Patterns in a Flexible Tandem of Customer-Server Cells, in Progress in Material Handling Research : 1994, Ed. By R.J. Graves, L. F. McGinnis, D.J. Medeiros, R.E. Ward & M.R. Wilhelm, Material Handling Industry, ISSN 1080-711X, 373-390.
  51. Lefrançois, P., M.-H. Jobin & B. Montreuil, (1992). An Object-Oriented Framework for Knowledge Representation in Real-Time Adaptive Scheduling Systems, in New Directions for Operations Research in Manufacturing, G. Fandel, Th. Gulledge and A. Jones edr., Springer-Verlag, 263-279.
  52. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois et M.-H. Filteau (1992), Virtual Carrier Transit Systems: Mana­ging the Transit between Assembly and Shipping, in Progress in Material Handling Research : 1992, Ed. By R.J. Graves & al., Material Handling Industry, 455-470.
  53. Lefrançois, P., B. Montreuil & M.-H. Filteau (1991). Managing and Synchronizing the Transit between Final Assembly and Shipping in a Just-in-Time Manufacturing System, in Just-in-Time Manufactu­ring Systems : Operational Planning and Control Issues, Ahmet Satir Edr, Elsevier, 285-301.
  54. Montreuil, B. (1991). A modelling framework for integrating layout design and flow network design, Progress in Material Handling and Logistics, v2, ed. by J.A. White and I.W. Pence, Springer-Verlag, 95-116.
  55. Montreuil, B. (1988). Specification for Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Systems Layout Design Environments, chapitre de Advanced Information Technologies for Industrial Material Flow Systems, ed. by S.Y. Nof & C.L. Moodie, Springer-Verlag, 141-168.
  56. Montreuil, B. & S.Y. Nof (1988). Approches for Logical vs Physical Design of Intelligent Production Facilities, chapitre de Recent Developments in Production Research, ed. par A. Mital, Elsevier, 9 p.
  57. Montreuil, B. (1987). Integrated Design of Cell Layout, Input/Output Station Configuration, and Flow Network of Manufacturing Systems, chapitre de Intelligent and Integrated Manufacturing Analysis and Synthesis, ed. by C.R. Liu, A. Requicha & S. Chandrasekar, ASME PED, v25, 315-326.
  58. Montreuil, B. (1985). Domesticating CRAFT, CORELAP, PLANET et al., chapitre de Computerized Facilities Planning, Selected Readings, édité par H.L. Hales, Industrial Engineering and Management Press, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., 42-44.

A3. Edited Volumes

  1. Montreuil B., M.K. Ogle, K.R. Gue, J. Smith, R. de Koster & S. Dauzière-Pérez, editors (2014). Progress in Material Handling Research Vol. 12, MHI, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., 729 p.
  2. Ellis K., K.R. Gue, R. de Koster, R.D. Meller, B. Montreuil and M. Ogle, editors (2010). Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010, Material Handling Industry of America, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A., 538 p.

B. Refereed Publications and Submitted Articles

B1. Published and Accepted Journal Articles

  1. Barenji, A.V., B. Montreuil, S. Babalou, D. Nazzal, F. Benaben & R. DeMillo (2023). An Agent-Based Simulation Platform for Safe Election:  From Design to Simulation, MDPI, v14, Issue 10, https://doi.org/10.3390/info14100529
  2. *Cichocki M., A. V. Barenji, B. Montreuil, C. Landschützer (2023) Hyperconnected Logistic Platform for Heavy-Duty Machinery: Leveraging Physical Internet Principles to Drive the Composting Industry, Sustainability, 15, 12898. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151712898
  3. Cerabona T., F. Benaben, B. Montreuil, M. Lauras, L. Faugère, M. R. Campos & J. Jeany (2023) The physics of decision approach: a physics-based vision to manage supply chain resilience, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2201637
  4. Fahim, P.B.M., G. Mientjes, J. Rezaei, A.V. Binsbergen, B. Montreuil & L. Tavasszy (2023). Alignment of Port Policy to the Context of the Physical Internet, Maritime Policy & Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2022.2147594
  5. *Ziqing, W., R. Oger, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, L. Faugere & A. Libeau, (2023). Market Potential Estimation Framework for Circular Economy, IFAC-PapersOnLine, v56, Issue 2, 10333-10338 p., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1043
  6. *Shaikh, S.J., A.S. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected Critical-Product and Distribution System:  Towards Autonomous Operations, IFAC-PapersOnLine, v56, Issue 2, 7579-7584 p., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.669
  7. *Li J., X. Liu, B. Montreuil (2023). A Multi-Agent System for Operating Hyperconnected Freight Transportation in the Physical Internet, IFAC-PapersOnLine, v56, Issue 2, 7585-7590 p., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.670
  8. Cerabona, T., M. Gest, J. Jeany, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, F. Benaben (2023). Physics of Decision:  Managing and Preparing Critical Supply Chains to Supply Disruptions, IFAC-PapersOnLine, v56, Issue 2, 11135-11140 p., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.830
  9. Kim, N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi, M.Z. Babai (2023). Network Inventory Deployment for Responsive Fulfillment, International Journal of Production Economics, v255, 108664 p., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108664
  10. Barenji AV, B. Montreuil (2022). Open Logistics: Blockchain-Enabled Trusted Hyperconnected Logistics Platform. Sensors, 22(13), 4699-4720, https://doi.org/10.3390/s22134699
  11. Kulkarni O., M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2022). Hyperconnected Parcel Delivery Network Design Under Disruption Risks, International Journal of Production Economics, v251, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108499
  12. Kim N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi (2022). Inventory Availability Commitment under Uncertainty in a Dropshipping Supply Chain, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 302, Issue 3, 1155-1174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.02.007
  13. Faugère L., W. Klibi, C. White III, B. Montreuil (2022). Dynamic pooled capacity deployment for urban parcel logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, v 303, Issue 2, 650-667, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.02.051
  14. Dadouchi, C., Agard, B., & Montreuil, B. (2022). Context-Aware Interactive Knowledge-Based Recommendation. SN Computer Science, 3(6), 1-14, 
  15. Fahim P., J. Rezaei, R. Jayaraman, M. Poulin, B. Montreuil (2021). The Physical Internet and Maritime Ports: Ready for the Future?, IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 49, No. 4, 136-149, https://doi.org/10.1109/EMR.2021.3113932
  16. Liu X., A.V. Barenji, Z. Li, B. Montreuil, G.Q. Huang (2021). Blockchain-based smart tracking and tracing platform for drug supply chain, Computers & Industrial Engineering, v 161, 107669, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2021.107669
  17. Derhami S., B. Montreuil (2021). Estimation of potential lost sales in retail networks of high-value substitutable products, IISE Transactions, 28p., https://doi.org/10.1080/24725854.2021.1969484
  18. Fahim, P., J. Rezaei, B. Montreuil, L. Tavasszy (2021). Port Performance Evaluation and Selection in the Physical Internet, Transport Policy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.07.013
  19. Pan, S., D. Trentesaux, D. McFarlane, B. Montreuil, E. Ballot, G. Q. Huang (2021). Digital interoperability in logistics and supply chain management: state-of-the-art and research avenues towards Physical Internet, Computers in Industry, v129, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2021.103435
  20. Fahim, P., J. Rezaei, Y. Pang,  L. Tavasszy, B. Montreuil (2021). An Information Architecture to Enable Track-and-Trace Capability in Physical Internet Ports, Computers in Industry, v129, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2021.103443
  21. Ballot, E., B. Montreuil, Z.G. Zacharia (2021). Physical Internet: First results and next challenges, Journal of Business Logistics, https://doi.org/10.1111/jbl.12268
  22. Bénaben, F., Faugère, L., Montreuil, B., Lauras, M., Moradkhani, N., Cerabona, T., Gou, J., Wenxin, M. (2021). Instability is the norm! A physics-based theory to navigate among risks and opportunities, Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), Taylor&Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2021.1878391
  23. Kim, N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi, N. Kholgade (2020). Hyperconnected Urban Fulfillment and Delivery, Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 145, 23p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2020.102104
  24. Faugère L., C.White, B. Montreuil (2020). Mobile Access Hub Deployment for Urban Parcel Logistics, Sustainability, 12, 7213 https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177213
  25. Oger, R., Lauras, M., Montreuil, B., Benaben, F. (2020). A Decision Support System for Strategic Supply Chain Capacity Planning Under Uncertainty: Conceptual Framework and Experiment, Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), Taylor&Francis,
  26. Derhami S., B. Montreuil, G. Bau (2020). Assessing product availability in omnichannel retail networks in the presence of on-demand inventory transshipment and product substitution, Omega,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2020.102315
  27. Arslan A.N., W. Klibi & B. Montreuil (2020). Distribution network deployment for omnichannel retailing, European Journal of Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2020.04.016
  28. Park J., I. Dayarian, B. Montreuil (2021). Showcasing Optimization in Omnichannel Retailing, European Journal of Operational Research, v 294, Issue 3, 895-905.
  29. Faugère L., B. Montreuil (2020). Smart Locker Bank Design Optimization for Urban Omnichannel Logistics:  Assessing Monolithic vs. Modular Configurations, Computers & Industrial Engineering Journal, 139, 105544, 1-14 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.11.054
  30. Betti Q., R. Khoury, S. Hallé, B. Montreuil (2019). Improving Hyperconnected Logistics with Blockchains and Smart Contracts, IT Professional, Vol. 21, Issue 4, 25 - 32 p., IEEE, 2019/7/15.
  31. Oger R., F. Benaben, M. Lauras & B. Montreuil (2018). Towards Decision Support Automation for Supply Chain Risk Management among Logistics Network Stakeholders, IFAC-PapersOnLine Elsevier, v51, 1505-1510 p., DOI:  10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.287
  32. Pan S., E. Ballot, G.Q. Huang & B. Montreuil (2017).  Physical Internet and Interconnected Logistics Services:  Research and Applications, International Journal of Production Research, p. 2603-2609, DOI:  10.1018/00297543.2017.1302620
  33. Kimiagari S. & B. Montreuil (2017). Hybrid modeling approach to market deployment planning: an application to a natural disaster relief supply business venture, International Journal of Production Research, 31 p., DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1359425
  34. Rouges J.-F., D. Poulin & B. Montreuil (2016). How to Manage Information and Communications Technology Induced Business Model Innovation: Lessons learned based on three business cases, Supply Chain Management Review, to be published.
  35. Sallez Y., S. Pan, B. Montreuil, T. Berger & E. Ballot (2016). On the Activeness of Intelligent Physical Internet Containers, Computers in Industry, v81, 96-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2015.12.006
  36. Montreuil, B., C. Cloutier, O. Labarthe & J. Loubier (2015). Holistic Modeling, Simulation and Visualization of Demand and Supply Chains, International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, Vol. 7, No. 1, 53-70.
  37. Linkov I., T. Bridges, F. Creutzig, J. Decker, C. Fox-Lent, W. Kröger, J.H. Lambert, A. Levermann, B. Montreuil, J. Nathwani, R. Nyer, O. Renn, B. Scharte, A. Scheffler, M. Schreurs, T. Thiel-Clemen (2014). Changing the Resilience Paradigm, Nature Climate Control, 4, 407-409. https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2227
  38. Caisse S. & B. Montreuil (2014). Polar Business Design, SAGE Open, Vol.4, No.1, January-March, p. 1-17.
  39. Sarraj R., E. Ballot, S. Pan, D. Hakimi & B. Montreuil (2014). Interconnected logistics networks and protocols: simulation-based efficiency assessment, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 11, p. 3185-3208. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2013.865853
  40. Montreuil, B., O. Labarthe & C. Cloutier (2013). Modeling client profiles for order promising and delivery, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Vol. 35, June, p. 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2013.03.003
  41. Brotherton, E., B. Montreuil, S. Naccache & R. Glardon (2012). Apprentissage expérientiel en gestion des chaînes logistiques : Exploitation des simulateurs participatifs tels que le XBeerGame, Logistique & Management, Vol. 20, No.1, p. 3-15. 
  42. Montreuil B., J.-F. Rougès, Y. Cimon & D. Poulin (2012). The Physical Internet and Business Model Innovation, Technology Innovation Management Review, June, p. 32-37.
  43. Sarraj R., E. Ballot, S. Pan & B. Montreuil (2012). Analogies between Internet networks and logistics service networks: challenges involved in the interconnection, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25:1207–1219.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-012-0697-7
  44. Montreuil B. (2011). Towards a Physical Internet: Meeting the Global Logistics Sustainability Grand Challenge, Logistics Research, Vol. 3, No. 2-3, p. 71-87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-011-0045-x
  45. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil & J.-M. Frayret (2011). An Agent-based Algorithm for Personnel Shift-Scheduling and Rescheduling in Flexible Assembly Lines, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing –available as online publication, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10845-011-0582-9.
  46. Cloutier C., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe & J. Loubier (2010). Modélisation de la demande et du comportement des consommateurs pour la simulation de chaines logistiques de biens de consommation à haute valeur ajoutée, Logistique & Management, Vol. 18, No.2, p. 115-126.
  47. Sabar M., B. Montreuil & J-M. Frayret (2009). A multi-agent-based approach for personnel scheduling in assembly centers, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
    Vol. 22, No. 7, October 2009, p.1080-1088.
  48. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil & J-M. Frayret (2008). Competency based personnel scheduling in large assembly lines, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 21, No. 4, June 2008, p.468-479.
  49. Paquet, M., A. Martel & B. Montreuil (2008). A Manufacturing Network Design Model based on Processor and Worker Capabilities, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 46, Issue 7, April 2008, p. 2009-2030.
  50. Caouette, A., C. Vincent & B. Montreuil (2007). Utilisation de la télésurveillance auprès des personnes âgées à domicile : pratiques  actuelles et potentielles, Canadian Journal of  Occupational Theory, Vol. 74, No. 5, Décembre 2007, p. 382-392.
  51. Poulin, M. & B. Montreuil (2007). A Simulation-Based Methodology for Personalizing Center Resource Planning, Journal of Operations and Logistics, v1, no. 3, III.1-III.14.
  52. Labarthe, O., B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini & B. Montreuil (2007). Toward a methodological framework for agent-based modelling and simulation of supply chain in a mass customization context, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 15, No. 2, Feb 2007, p. 113-136.
  53. Nourelfath, M., N. Nahas & B. Montreuil (2007). Coupling ant colony optimization and the extended great deluge algorithm for the discrete facility layout problem. Engineering Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 8, Dec 2007, p. 953-968.
  54. Labarthe, O., A. Ferrarini, B. Espinasse & B. Montreuil (2006). Multi-Agent Modelling for Simulation of Customer-Centric Supply Chains, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, Vol 2, No. 3/4, March 2006, p. 150-163. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1504/IJSPM.2006.012643
  55. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2006). Implications of Personalization Offers on Demand and Supply Network Design: A Case from the Golf Club Industry, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 169, p.996-1009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2005.02.005
  56. Bolduc M-C., J. Renaud & B. Montreuil (2006). Synchronized routing of seasonal products through a production/distribution network, Central European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 209-228.
  57. Venkatadri, U., A. Srinivasan, B. Montreuil & A. Saraswat (2006). Optimization Based Decision Support for Order Promising in Supply Chain Networks, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 103, No. 1, Sept 2006, p.117-130.
  58. Labarthe, O., B. Espinasse, A. Ferrarini & B. Montreuil (2005). A methodological approach for agent based simulation of mass customization supply chains, Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 14, No. 4, p. 397 - 425.
  59. Montreuil B. & M. Poulin (2005). Demand and supply network design scope for personalised manufacturing, International Journal of Production Planning & Control, Vol. 16, No. 5, July 2005, p. 454–469. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537280500088068
  60. Montreuil B. & R. Garon (2005). Toward patient centric and distributed health care delivery networks, Clinical and investigative medicine, Dec 2005, Vol. 28, No. 6, p.351-352.
  61. Artiba A. & B. Montreuil, (2004). Editorial: design of supply chains, manufacturing systems and logistics networks, International Journal Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Mar2004, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p. 95-96.
  62. Abid C., S. D'Amours & B. Montreuil (2004). Collaborative order management in distributed manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, 42(2), p.283-302.
  63. Frayret, J.-M., S. D'Amours & B. Montreuil (2003). Coordination and control in distributed and agent-based manufacturing systems Production Planning and Control, 15(1), p.1-13.
  64. Frayret, J.-M., S. D'Amours, B. Montreuil, & L. Cloutier (2001). A Network Approach to Operate Agile Manufacturing Systems. International Journal of Production Economics. 74(1-3), p.239-259.
  65. Cloutier L., J.-Y. Frayret, S. D'Amours, B. Espinasse & B. Montreuil (2001). A Commitment-Oriented Approach to Networked Manufacturing, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM). 14(6), p.522-534.
  66. Vergnion J. & B. Montreuil (2000). Le réseau logistique de la e-entreprise de détail, Gestion 2000, édition spéciale en commerce électronique.
  67. Montreuil B., J.-M. Frayret & S. D’Amours (2000). A Strategic Framework for Networked Manufacturing, Computers for Industry, Special Issue on Computer Aided Production, v42, 299-317, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0166-3615(99)00078-0
  68. D’Amours S., B. Montreuil, F. Soumis & P. Lefrançois (1999). Networked Manufacturing: Impact of Information Sharing on Scheduling Performance, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 58, p.63-79.
  69. Lakhal S., A. Martel, M. Oral, & B. Montreuil (1999). Network Companies and Competitiveness: A Framework for Analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 118, no. 2, p.278-294.
  70. Montreuil B., U. Venkatadri & R.L. Rardin (1999). The Fractal layout Organization for Job Shop Environments, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 37, no. 3, p.501-521.
  71. Banerjee P., Y. Zhou & B. Montreuil (1997). Genetically assisted optimizaiton of cell layout and material flow path skeleton, IIE Transactions, Vol. 29, no. 4, p.277-292.
  72. Venkatadri U., R. L. Rardin & B. Montreuil (1997). A Design Methodology for Fractal Layout Organization, IIE Transactions (Special Issue of Design and Manufacturing on Agile Manufacturing), Vol. 29, No. 10, p.911-924.
  73. Lefrançois P., S. Harvey, B. Montreuil & B. Moussa (1997). Modeling and Simulation of Fabrication and Assembly Plants: An Object Driven Approach, J. of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 7, p.467-478.
  74. Drolet J., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1997). Scheduling Framework for Virtual Cellular Manufacturing, International Journal of Manufacturing Systems Design.
  75. D’Amours S., B. Montreuil & F. Soumis (1996). Price-Based Planning and Scheduling of Multi-Product Orders in Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 96, p.148-166.
  76. Frayret J.M., S. D’Amours & B. Montreuil (1996). Internet au service de la filière bois: le partage de l’information, Revue du bois, p. 9-10.
  77. Lefrançois P., L. Cloutier & B. Montreuil (1996). An Agent-Driven Approach to Design factory Information Systems, Computers in Industry, Vol. 32, p. 197-217.
  78. Ramudhin A., P. Lefrançois, S. D’Amours & B. Montreuil (1996). A decision support system for operations scheduling in a distributed environment, Revue des systèmes de décision - Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, ISSN 1166-8638, p. 51-71.
  79. Langevin, A., B. Montreuil & D. Riopel (1994). Spine Layout Design, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, p. 429-442.
  80. Lefrançois, P. & B. Montreuil, (1994). An Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation for Intelligent Control of Manufacturing Workstations, IIE Transactions, Vol. 26, p. 11-26.
  81. Ramudhin, A., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1994). Scheduling Assembly Activities in a Distributed Manufacturing Environment, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 78, p. 242-251.
  82. D'Amours, S., P. Lefrançois, B. Montreuil & A. Ramudhin (1993). Unquality-Costing Sampling Plans by Variables and their Implications on Supply Relationships, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 32, p. 315-326.
  83. Jobin, M.-H., P. Lefrançois & B. Montreuil (1993). Using a Public 3-D Gantt Chart Communication Structure between Agents for Distributed Scheduling Architec­tures, Journal of Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 1, p. 147‑156.
  84. Lefrançois, P. & B. Montreuil (1993). An Organism-Oriented Modeling Approach to Support the Analysis and Design of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 5, p. 121-142.
  85. Mayrand, É., P. Lefrançois & B. Montreuil (1993). An Agent-Oriented Model of Manufac­turing Activities, Journal of Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 1, p. 137-146.
  86. Montreuil, B., U. Venkatadri & H.D. Ratliff (1993). Generating a Layout from a Design Skeleton, IIE Transactions, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 3-15.
  87. Montreuil, B. & A. Laforge (1992). Dynamic layout design given a scenario tree of probable futures, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 63, p. 271‑286.
  88. Chhajed, D., B. Montreuil & T.J. Lowe (1992). Flow network design for manufacturing systems layout, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 57, p. 145-161.
  89. Banerjee, P., B. Montreuil, C.L. Moodie & R. L. Kashyap (1992). A modelling of interactive facilities layout designer reasoning using qualitative patterns, International Journal Production Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, p. 433-453.
  90. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1990). Strategic Interpolative Design of Dynamic Manufac­turing Systems Layouts, Management Sciences, Vol. 37, No. 6, p. 682-694.
  91. Montreuil, B. (1990). Representation of Domain Knowledge in Intelligent Systems Layout Design Environments, Computer Aided Design, Vol. 22, No. 2, 90/3, p. 97-108.
  92. Drolet, J.R., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1989a). Scheduling factories of the future, Journal of Mechanical Working Technology, p. 183-194.
  93. Montreuil, B. & H.D. Ratliff (1988). Utilizing Cut Trees as Design Skeletons for Facility Layout, IIE Transactions, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 136-143.
  94. Montreuil, B. & P. Banerjee (1988). Object Knowledge Environment for Manufacturing Systems Layout Design, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 3, p. 399-410.
  95. Montreuil, B. & H.D. Ratliff (1988b). Optimizing the Location of Input/Output Stations within Facilities Layout, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, Vol. 14, p. 177-187.
  96. Montreuil, B., H.D. Ratliff & M. Goetschalckx (1987). Matching Based Interactive Facility Layout, IIE Transactions, Vol. 19, No. 3, p.271-279.

B2. Conference Presentation with Proceedings (Refereed)

  1. Benaben, F., A. Fertier, T. Cerabona, N. Moradkhani, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil (2023). Decision Support In Uncertain Contexts:  Physics of Decision and Virtual Reality, Proceedings of ISCRAM 2023 – 20th International Conference, Omaha, USA, 54-66 p. https://imt-mines-albi.hal.science/hal-04118953
  2. Campos M. L. McGinnis, B. Montreuil (2023). Modeling and Simulation of an Agile Assembly Center in a Physical Internet inspired Manufacturing System, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  3. Garcia J., A. Barenji, B. Montreuil (2023). Reverse Pallet Logistics Enhancement by Leveraging Physical Internet Enabled Modularization and Consolidation Principles, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  4. Cichocki M., B. Montreuil, A. Barenji, C. Landschützer (2023). Physical Internet based Hyperconnected Logistics Platform Enabling Heavy-Duty Machinery Sharing in the Composting Industry: A Simulation-Based Scenario Investigation, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  5. Kulkarni O. M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Assessment of Hyperconnected Parcel Logistic Networks Under Adversarial Attacks, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  6. Grover N. S. J. Shaikh, L. Faugere, B. Montreuil (2023). Surfing the Physical Internet with Hyperconnected Logistics Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  7. Labarthe O., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil (2023). Urban Synchromodality: Synergies between Freight and People Mobility in Urban Areas, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  8. Li J., X. Liu, M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Stochastic Logistics Service Network Design with Short-haul Working Hour Rules for Hyperconnected Freight Transportation, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  9. Park J. B. Montreuil (2023). Leveraging Customer Conversion Behavior in Hyperconnected Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  10. Pothen A. S. M. M. Inan, B. Montreuil, M. Lauras (2023). Demand-Supply Alignment in Hyperconnected Supply Chain Networks with Access to Dynamic Production Options, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  11. Wu Z. R. Oger, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, L. Faugere (2023). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Circular Supply Chains, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  12. Xu Y., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil (2023). Dynamic Resources Deployment in Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics Hub Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  13. Yamin K., H. Wang, B. Montreuil, Y. Xie (2023). Online Detection of Supply Chain Network Disruptions Using Sequential Change-Point Detection for Hawkes Processes, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 10 p. www.pi.events
  14. Shaikh S.J., A.S. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected and Autonomous Distribution System for Societally Critical Products, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 315-325 p. www.pi.events
  15. Shaikh, S.J., N.K.M. Rababah, B. Montreuil, J. S. Smith (2023). Modular Containerization of Parcel Logistics Networks:  Simulation-Based Impact Assessment, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, 230-240 p., www.pi.events
  16. Kwon S., B. Montreuil, M. Dahan, K. Walid (2023). Hyperconnected Logistic Service Networks:  Bidding-Based Design Framework, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, www.pi.events
  17. Kwon, S., J. Leveque, W. Klibi, G. Stauffer, M. Benoit (2023). Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Delivery Network Design wit Tight Delivery Service Requirements, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, www.pi.events
  18. Meuche, K., B. Montreuil (2023). Framework for Leveraging Physical Internet Principles for Long-Tail Products In E-Commerce, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, www.pi.events
  19. Garcia, J., A. Barenji, B. Montreuil (2023). Enhancing Circular Logistics of Unit Loads by Leveraging Physical Internet Modularization and Consolidation Principles, Proceedings of IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, Athens, Greece, www.pi.events
  20. Greening L., J. Park, M. Dahan, A. Erera, B. Montreuil (2023). Middle-mile consolidation network design: Maximizing profit through flexible lead times, MSOM Conference, Montreal, Qc, Canada.
  21. Liu X., J. Li, B. Montreuil (2023). Logistics Hub Capacity Deployment in Hyperconnected Transportation Network Under Uncertainty, Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023, New Orleans, USA.
  22. Kulkarni O., M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected Relay-Based Logistics Network Design with Stochastic Demand, Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023, New Orleans, USA, https://iise.confex.com/iise/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/3466
  23. Quan Y., A. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Predictive Demand Disruption Signals for Supply Chain Networks, Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2023, New Orleans, USA, https://iise.confex.com/iise/2023/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/3631
  24. Shaikh, S.J., A.S. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected Critical-Product Supply and Distribution System :  Towards Autonomous Operations, Proceedings of IFAC – 22nd World Congress Conference, 8194-8199 p., Yokohama, Japan, https://www.ifac2023.org/
  25. Li J., X. Liu, B. Montreuil (2023). A Multi-Agent System for Operating Hyperconnected Freight Transportation in the Physical Internet, Proceedings of IFAC – 22nd World Congress Conference, Yokohma, Japan, https://www.ifac2023.org/
  26. Cerabona, T., F. Benaben, L. Faugere, M. Lauras, JP, Gitto, B. Montreuil (2023). Introduction to a Physics-Based Theory to Manage Risks and Opportunities in Supply Chains, Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences, Vol. 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90387-9_23
  27. Moradkhani N., F. Benaben, B. Montreuil, M. Lauras, C. Le Duff, J. Jeany (2022). An Intelligent Decision Support System Inspired by Newton’s Laws of Motion. In: Czarnowski, I., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C. (eds) Intelligent Decision Technologies. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 309. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3444-5_45
  28. Schmid N., V. Limère, B. Montreuil (2022). A case study on the integration of assembly line balancing and feeding decisions, Proceedings of MIM 2022 Conference, Nantes, France, 6p.
  29. Li J., B. Montreuil, M. Campos (2022). Trucker-Sensitive Hyperconnected Large-Freight Transportation: An Operating System, Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference 2022, 6p. Awarded Best Student Paper in Logistics and Supply Chain.
  30. Xu Y., Y. Liu, B. Montreuil (2022). Dynamic Workforce Scheduling and Relocation in Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics Hubs, Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference 2022, 6p. Awarded 2nd Best Student Paper in Logistics and Supply Chain.
  31. Cerabona T., F. Benaben, B. Montreuil, A. V. Barenji, D. Nazzal (2021). Physics of Decision: Applications to Polling Place Risk Management,  Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo and M. Loper, eds. https://doi.org/10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715471
  32. Babalou S., W. Bao, B. Montreuil, L. McGinnis, S. Buckley, A. Barenji (2021). Modular and Mobile Design of Hyperconnected Parcel Logistic Hub, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  33. Bahrami-Bidoni, Z.,  Montreuil, B. (2021). Predictive Demand Modeling for New Services in Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Logistics, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  34. Campos M., S. Derhami, L. McGinnis, B. Montreuil, A. V. Barenji (2021). Digital Twin Design Requirements for Durable Goods Distribution in Physical Internet, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  35. Cerabona T., F. Benaben, J.-P. Gitto, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil (2021). Physical Internet Inspired Atomic Modeling for Supply Chain Risk Management, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  36. Grover N., B. Montreuil (2021). Dynamic Consolidation and Packing of Parcels in Modular Physical Internet Handling Containers, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, Poster, 1 p., www.pi.events
  37. Grest M., M. M. Inan, Y. M. Cohen, A. V. Barenji, M. Dahan, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil (2021). Design of a Simulation-Based Experiment for Assessing the Relevance of the Physical Internet Concept for Humanitarian Supply Chains,  Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  38. Hettle C., L. Faugere, S. Kwon, S. Gupta, B. Montreuil (2021). Generating Clusters for Urban Logistics in Hyperconnected Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  39. Kaboudvand S., B. Montreuil (2021). Dynamic Containerized Consolidation in Physical Internet Enabled Parcel Logistics, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  40. Kim N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi (2021). Modularization of Delivery and Transportation, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  41. Klibi W., O. Labarthe, G. Ahmadi, J.-C. Deschamps, B. Montreuil (2021). Building on Synergies Between Freight Logistics and People Mobility in Urban Areas, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, Poster, 1 p., www.pi.events
  42. Kulkarni O., Y. M. Cohen, M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2021). Resilient Hyperconnected Logistics Hub Network Design, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  43. Montreuil B., L. McGinnis, S. Buckley (2021). Framework and Research Roadmap for a Next-Generation Hyperconnected Logistics Hub, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 10 p., www.pi.events
  44. Muthukrishnan P., L. Faugere, B. Montreuil (2021). Potential Access hub Network Design Optimization in Hyperconnected Urban Logistics, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 11 p., www.pi.events
  45. Pan X., A. Pothen, J. Boerger, H. Wang, B. Montreuil (2021), Enhancing Logistics Demand Prediction Accuracy Through Client-Vendor Hyperconnected Data Ensembles, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 9 p., www.pi.events
  46. Shaikh S. J., N. Kim, B. Montreuil, P. Vilumaa (2021), Conceptual Framework for Hyperconnected Package Transport Logistics Infrastructure, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 12 p., www.pi.events
  47. Shaikh S. J., B. Montreuil, M. Hodjat-Shamami, A. Gupta (2021), Introducing Services and Protocols for Inter-Hub Transportation in the Physical Internet, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 13 p., www.pi.events
  48. Srinivas A. N., B. Montreuil (2021). Reduction of Food Wastage in Supermarkets Due to Expiration,  Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, 8 p., www.pi.events
  49. Xu Y., Y. Xie, B. Montreuil (2021). Spatio-Temporal Arrival Prediction Over Hyperconnected Logistics Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2021 International Physical Internet Conference, Poster, 1 p., www.pi.events
  50. Bahrami-Bidoni, Z.,  Montreuil, B. (2021). Enabling scientific assessment of large scale hyperconnected urban parcel logistics: Scenario-based demand and customer behavior modeling. Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference, 1118-1123.
  51. Campos, M., Montreuil, B., McGinnis, L., Kaboudvand, S., Kwon, S., Bidoni, Z. B., Buckley, S. (2021). Enabling scientific assessment of large scale hyperconnected urban parcel logistics: System configuration and assessment. Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference. 1082-1087.
  52. Grover, N., Montreuil, B. (2021). Dynamic time-based parcel consolidation and container loading in hyperconnected logistic hubs. Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference, 956-961.
  53. Pan, X., Montreuil, B. (2021). Assessing multi-purpose forecasting accuracy. Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference, 728-733.
  54. Yim, J., Montreuil, B., Yang, S., Kim, N. (2021). Data-driven prediction of demand in a pandemic for critical consumables over a shared distribution network. Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference, 788-793. 
  55. Schmid N. A., W. Bao, S. Derhami, B. Montreuil, V.Limere  (2021), Optimizing kitting cells in mixed-model assembly cells, Proceedings of INCOM 2021 Conference, Accepted for publication.
  56. Campos, M., B. Montreuil, L.F. McGinnis, S. Kaboudvand, S. Kwon, Z. Bahrami Bidoni, S. Buckley (2021), Enabling Scientific Assessment of Large Scale Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Logistics: System Configuration and Assessment, Proceedings of 2021 IISE Annual Conference, ed. A. Ghate, K. Krishnaiyer, K. Paynabar, 6p.
  57. Oger, R., Benaben, F., Lauras, M., Montreuil, B. (2021). Making Strategic Supply Chain Capacity Planning more Dynamic to cope with Hyperconnected and Uncertain Environments, Proceedings of HICCS 54 International Conference on System Sciences, p. 2057-2066, https://hdl.handle.net/10125/70865
  58. Sanders I., B. Montreuil (2021). Reducing Transport Miles Through the Use of Mobile Hubs: A Case Study in Local Food Supply Chain, Proceedings of HICCS 54 Conference 2021, 10p., http://hdl.handle.net/10125/71271
  59. Grest M., Lauras M., Montreuil B. (2021) Conception d’un modèle de simulation pour l’évaluation de la pertinence de l’Internet Physique pour les chaînes d’approvisionnement humanitaires. In Proceedings of CIGI-Qualita21 Conference, Grenoble, May 2021.
  60. Boerger, J., B. Montreuil, (2020). Data-driven analytics-based capacity management
    for hyperconnected third-party logistics providers, Proceedings of IPIC 2020 International Physical Internet Conference, Shenzhen, China, 11 p.
  61. Moradkhani, N., Benaben, F., Faugère, L., Lauras, M., Jeany, J., Montreuil, B. (2020). A Physics-Based Enterprise Modeling approach for risks and opportunities management, Proceedings of PoEM’20, online, Riga, Latvia.
  62. Moradkhani, N., Benaben, F., Faugère, L., Lauras, M., Jeany, J., Montreuil, B. (2020). A data-driven physics-based theory for risk and opportunity modeling, Proceedings of IISE’20, online, New Orleans, USA.
  63. Moradkhani, N., L. Faugère, J. Jeany, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, F. Benaben (2020). A Physics-Based Enterprise Modeling Approach for Risks and Opportunities Management, IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling,  Online, 10-11 December.
  64. Cerabona, T., Benaben, F., Faugère, L., Lauras, M., Gitto, J.P., Montreuil, B. (2020). A Physics-Based Theory for Supply Chain Risk and Opportunity Management, Proceedings of IISE’20, online, New Orleans, USA.
  65. Cerabona, T., Benaben, F., Faugère, L., Lauras, M., Gitto, J.P., Montreuil, B. (2020). Introduction to a physics-based theory to manage risks and opportunities in supply chains, Proceedings of I-ESA’20, online, Tarbes, France.
  66. Cerabona, T., Benaben, F., Lauras, M., Faugère, L., Gitto, J.P., Montreuil, B. (2020). A Physics-Based Approach for Managing Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities within its Performance Framework, Proceedings of PRO-VE’20, online, Valencia, Spain.
  67. Benaben, F., Montreuil, B. Faugère, L., Lauras, M., Gou, Mu, W. (2020). A Physics-Based Theory to Navigate Across Risks and Opportunities in the Performance Space: Application to Crisis Management, Proceedings of 53nd HICSS’20, Hawaii, USA.
  68. Grest M., Montreuil B., Lauras M. (2020) Toward Assessing Physical Internet Potential Benefits for Humanitarian Supply Chains. In ILS 2020 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, pages 276–283, Austin, United States, April 2020. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02940619/
  69. Benaben, F., Montreuil, B., Gou, J., Lauras, M., Faugère, L., Mu, W. (2019). Physics of Organization Dynamics: An AI Framework for opportunity and risk management, Proceedings of IESM’19, Shanghai, China.
  70. Park, J., I. Dayarian & B. Montreuil (2018). Showcasing Optimization Model for Hyperconnected Showcasing Centers, 2019 MIM Conference, Berlin
  71. Benaben, F., B. Montreuil, J. Gou, J. Li, M. Lauras, I. Koura & W. Mu (2019).  A tentative framework for risk and opportunity detection in a collaborative environment based on data interpretation, HICSS 52-52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 2019, Maui, Hawaii, United States. Extrait de:  Proceedings of the 52nd, ISBN 978-0-9981331-2-6, 10 p., <http://hdl.handle.net/10125/59742>. <hal-01988039>
  72. Oger, R., B. Montreuil, M. Laura & F. Benaben (2018).  Towards Decision Support Automation for Supply Chain Risk Management among Logistics Network Stakeholders. 16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018:  Bergamo, Italy, 11-13 June.
  73. Buckley, S. & B. Montreuil (2018).  Impact of Modular Containerization and Continuous Consolidation on Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics Hub Design and Performance, Proceedings of 5th International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 276-288 p.
  74. Kim, N., N. Kholgade & B. Montreuil (2018), Urban Large-Item Logistics with Hyperconnected Fulfillment and Transportation, Proceedings of 5th International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 179-191 p.
  75. Faugère, L., S. Malladi, B. Montreuil & C. C. White III (2018), Smart Locker Based Access Hub Network Capacity Deployment in Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics, Proceedings of 5th International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 92-105 p.
  76. Oger R., B. Montreuil, M. Lauras & F. Bénaben (2018). Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chain Capability Planning:  Conceptual Framework Proposal, Proceedings of 5th International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 72-82 p.
  77. Montreuil B, S. Buckley, L. Faugère, R. Khir & S. Derhami (2018).  Urban Parcel of Logistics Hub and Network Design:  The Impact of Modularity and Hyperconnectivity, Proceedings of 15th International Material Handling Research Colloquium, July 23-27, Savannah, Ga, U.S.A., 19. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/pmhr_2018/19/
  78. Oger R., M. Lauras, B. Montreuil & F. Bénaben (2017). Enabling Supply Chain Agility and Resilience Improvement: Toward a Methodology and Platform, Proceedings of 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017/07/9-14, 4 p.
  79. Oger R., M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, F. Bénaben, N. Salatge (2017). Towards Hyperconnected Resource Requirements Planning, Proceedings of 4th International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 11p.
  80. Kim N. & B. Montreuil, Simulation-Based Assessment of Hyperconnected Mixing Center Capacity Requirements and Service Capabilities, Proceedings of 4th International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 16p.
  81. Faugère L. & B. Montreuil, Hyperconnected Pickup & Delivery Locker Networks, Proceedings of 4th International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 14 p.
  82. Buckley S., B. Montreuil & Z. Montreuil (2017). Simulation Based Study of the Effect of Competition on the Operations of Hyperconnected Crossdocking Hubs, Proceedings of 4th International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 12 p.
  83. Faugère L. & B. Montreuil (2017). Locker Back Design: A Static Approcach to Unattended Collection Delivery Points Design, Proceedings of CIGI 2017, Congrès International de Génie Industriel (International Industrial Engineering Congress), May 3-5, Compiègne, France, 10 p.
  84. Rouges J.-F., D. Poulin & B. Montreuil (2016). Comment gérer l’innovation de modèle d’affaires basée sur l’exploitation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (Managing Business Model Innovation Based on Exploiting Information and Communications Technologies), Proceedings of RIRL 2016 Congress, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 7-9, Best Paper Award.
  85. Kim N. & B. Montreuil (2016). Assessing the Impact of Inventory Deployment and Sharing Policies on Hyperconnected Last-Mile Furniture Logistics, Proceedings of IPIC 2016, 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, June 29-July 1, Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A., 13 p.
  86. Goyal M., J. Cook, N. Kim & B. Montreuil (2016). Hyperconnected City Logistics for Furniture and Large Appliance Industry: Simulation-based Exploratory Investigation, Proceedings of IPIC 2016, 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, June 29-July 1, Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A., 12 p.
  87. Sohrabi H., B. Montreuil & W. Klibi (2016). On Comparing Dedicated and Hyperconnected Distribution Systems: An Optimization-Based Approach, Proceedings of ILS 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chains, Bordeaux, France, June 1-4.
  88. Sohrabi H., B. Montreuil & W. Klibi (2016). Collaborative and Hyperconnected Distribution Systems: A Comparative Optimization-Based Assessment, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Anaheim, Ca, U.S.A.
  89. Gazzard N. & B. Montreuil (2015). A Functional Design for Physical Internet Modular Handling Containers, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 19 p.
  90. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil & A. Hajji (2015). Simulating Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Semi-Trailer Transportation Systems, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 11 p. www.pi.events
  91. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil & L.C. Coelho (2015). Modeling of Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Modular Production, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 13 p.
  92. Naccache, S., Montreuil, B. (2015). Optimizing consumer order delivery consolidation in drop ship based B2C distribution. IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no 3, p. 1996_2001.
  93. Oktaei P., D. Hakimi, N. Lehoux, B. Montreuil & C. CLoutier (2015). Impact of Geographical Locations on the Business Model of Physical Internet Enabled Transit Centers, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 24 p.
  94. Sohrabi H., B. Montreuil & W. Klibi (2015). An Optimization-Based Investigation of Exploiting Physical Internet Enabled Interconnected Distribution System, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 16 p.
  95. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil & A. Hajji (2015). Simulating Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Semi-Trailer Transportation Systems, Proceedings of 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08, 11 p.
  96. Crainic T. & B. Montreuil (2015). Physical Internet Hyperconnected City Logistics, Proc. Of International City Logistics Conference 2015, Tenerife, Spain, 2015/06/17-19, 17 p.
  97. Kimiagari S. & B. Montreuil (2014). Market Deployment Roadmap Planning: An Executive Factor Based Optimization ModelMOSIM Conference 2014, Nancy, France, 2014/11/5-7, 10p.
  98. Pach C., Y. Sallez, T. Berger, T. Bonte, D. Trentesaux, B. Montreuil (2014). Routing management in Physical Internet crossdocking hubs: study of grouping strategies for truck loading, APMS 2014 Advanced Production Management Systems Conference, Ajaccio, France, p483-490.
  99. Naccache S., B. Montreuil, H. Sohrabi, F. Barriault, E. Brotherton (2014). B2C Drop-Ship Distribution: Agent-Based Simulation Modeling for Analyzing Consolidation Options, Proceedings of 2014 ILS Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Conference, Finalist for Best Ph.D. Student Paper, Breda, Netherlands, 2014/08/24-27, 11p.
  100. Kimiagari S. & B. Montreuil (2014). Clustering geo-markets using self-organizing maps: Application to a business venture in natural disaster planning and recoveryAcademy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Lima, Peru, 2014/08/05-08, 12p.
  101. Abodohoui A., S.P. Aïhounhin, R. Mayuto, A. Marif & B. Montreuil (2014). Assessing the readiness of Africa for the Physical Internet, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 19p.
  102. Ado A., I. Ben Othmane, M. Matei & B. Montreuil (2014), Towards Physical Internet enabled Interconnected Humanitarian Logistics, 1st International Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 31p.
  103. Darvish M., M. El Boukili, S. Kérékou & B. Montreuil (2014), Using cloud computing as a model to design the Service Web, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 13p.
  104. Faure L., B. Montreuil, P. Burlat & G. Marquès (2014), Ex ante sustainability improvement assessment of city logistics solutions: learning from a simple interlinked pooling case, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 14p.
  105. Naccache S., B. Montreuil, H. Sohrabi, F. Barriault & E. Brotherton (2014), From integrated to interconnected B2C e-commerce distribution: An agent-based simulation assessment, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 17p.
  106. Oktaei P., N. Lehoux & B. Montreuil (2014). Designing business models for Physical Internet transit centers, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 18p.
  107. Rougès J.-F. & B. Montreuil (2014). Crowdsourcing delivery: New interconnected business models to reinvent delivery, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 19p.
  108. Sohrabi H. & B. Montreuil (2014). Towards an interconnected distribution planning framework, 1st Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2014, Québec City, Canada, 14p.
  109. Bouchard J., B. Montreuil & A. Lepage (2013) Prévisions de ventes journalières de produits de mode, 10e Congrès international de génie industriel (CIGI), La Rochelle, France, 2013/06/12-14.
  110. Kimiagari, S. & B. Montreuil (2013). Market Deployment Roadmap Planning: A Methodological Framework, Academy of International Business – US Midwest 2013 Annual Meeting, Illinois (U.S.A.), 2013/02/27 au 2013/03/01.
  111. Sohrabi, H., W. Klibi & B. Montreuil (2012). Modeling scenario-based distribution network design in a Physical Internet enabled open Logistics Web. Proceedings of ILS 2012 International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chains, Québec, Canada, 2012/08/27-29.
  112. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil, R. Sarraj, E. Ballot & S. Pan (2012).  Simulating a Physical Internet enabled distribution web: the case of mass distribution in France. Proceedings of ILS 2012 International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chains, Québec, Canada, 2012/08/27-29.
  113. Montreuil, B., R.D. Meller, C. Thivierge, & Z. Montreuil (2012). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Unimodal Road-Based Crossdocking Hub, Proceedings of International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2012), Gardanne, France, CICMHE-MHI, 2012/06/25-28.
  114. Ballot, E., B. Montreuil & C. Thivierge (2012). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Road-Rail Hub, Proceedings of International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2012), CICMHE-MHI, Gardanne, France, 2012/06/25-28.
  115. Meller, R.D., B. Montreuil, C. Thivierge & Z. Montreuil (2012). Functional Design of Physical Internet Facilities: A Road-Based Transit Center, Proceedings of International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2012), CICMHE-MHI, Gardanne, France, 2012/06/25-28.
  116. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2012). Refurbishing and Recycling Facilities Design Methodology, Proceedings of International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2012), CICMHE-MHI, Gardanne, France, 2012/06/25-28.
  117. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil, R. Sarraj, E. Ballot & S. Pan (2012). Simulating a Physical Internet enabled mobility web: the case of mass distribution in France. 9ème Conférence Internationale de Modélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation (MOSIM 2012), Bordeaux, France, 2012/06/6-8.
  118. Montreuil B., E. Ballot & F. Fontane (2012). An Open Logistics Interconnection Model for the Physical Internet, Proceedings of INCOM 2012 Symposium, Bucharest, Romania, 2012/05/23-25.
  119. Montreuil B., R.D. Meller & E. Ballot (2012). Physical Internet Foundations, Proceedings of INCOM 2012 Symposium, Bucharest, Romania, 2012/05/23-25.
  120. Montreuil, B., J-F Rouges, Y. Cimon et D. Poulin (2011).  The physical Internet and business model innovation, EBRF 2011 - Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 2011/12/14-15: Winner of Global Academic Cup.
  121. Montreuil, B., et E. Ballot (2011). Road-rail Hub Design for the Physical Internet. INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, U.S.A., 2011/11/13-16.
  122. Montreuil, B., R.H. Mantel & S. Oldewarris (2011). Investigating Slotting Strategies for Physical Internet Stores. INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, U.S.A., 2011/11/13-16.
  123. Sohrabi H. & B. Montreuil (2011). From Private Supply Networks and Shared Supply Webs to Physical Internet enabled Open Supply Webs. 12th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES (Pro-VE), Sao Paolo, Brésil, 2011/10/17-19.
  124. Audet M., B. Montreuil et O. Labarthe (2011). Impacts des demandes d’essai sur les décisions de réapprovisionnement et de redéploiement en cours de saison de vente. 9e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2011), Saint-Sauveur, Canada, 2011/10/12-14.
  125. Bouchard J. & B. Montreuil (2011). Prévisions journalières de séries temporelles saisonnières avec effets calendaires. 9e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2011), Saint-Sauveur, Canada, 2011/10/12-14.
  126. Audet M., B. Montreuil & O. Labarthe (2011). Exploring the potential of retail customer demand analytics for supply decision support, Proceedings of IESM 2011, Metz, France, 2011/05/25-27.
  127. Ballot E., B. Montreuil & F. Fontane (2011). Typology of Logistic Networks and the Potential of the Physical Internet, Proceedings of IESM 2011, Metz, France, 2011/05/25-27.
  128. Hakimi D. & B. Montreuil (2011). A Conceptual Framework for Designing Non-Programmed Decision Support Systems in the Context of Supply Webs, Proceedings of IESM 2011, Metz, France, 2011/05/25-27.
  129. Dupont B.Y. & B. Montreuil (2010). New Product Development Project Design for Sustainable Innovation Effectiveness and Efficiency, 3rd ISPIM Innovation Symposium – Managing the Art of Innovation : Turning Concepts into Reality, Québec City, Canada, 20110/12/12-15.
  130. Charfeddine, M. & B. Montreuil (2010). Integrated agent-oriented modeling and simulation of population and healthcare delivery network: application to COPD chronic disease in a Canadian region, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, U.S.A., 2010/12/5-8.
  131. Montreuil, B., R. Nigam, Z. Su (2010). Global supply networks: bilateral client-supplier value expectations. e-Business Research Forum (EBRF), Nokia, Finland, 2010/09/15-17.
  132. Charfeddine, M. & B. Montreuil (2010). Vers un cadre méthodologique de modélisation et de simulation orientée agent pour les systèmes de livraison de soins de santé. Conférence Francophone Gestion et Ingénierie des SystèmEs Hospitaliers (GISEH), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010/09/02-04.
  133. Brotherton, E., B. Montreuil, R. Glardon, S. Naccache (2010). Apprentissage expérientiel en gestion des chaînes logistiques: Exploitation des simulateurs participatifs tels que le XBeerGame. 8èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique (RIRL 2010), Bordeaux, France, 2010/09/29-10/01.
  134. Cloutier C., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe, J. Loubier (2010). Modélisation de la demande et du comportement des consommateurs pour la simulation de chaînes logistiques de biens de consommation à haute valeur ajoutée. 8èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique (RIRL 2010), Bordeaux, France, 2010/09/29-10/01.
  135. Montreuil, B., R.D. Meller, E. Ballot (2010). Towards a physical internet: the impact on logistics facilities and material handling systems design and innovation, International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2010), Milwaukee, États-Unis, 2010/06/21-24.
  136. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe. (2010). Retail Store demand Estimation for supply network simulation. 8ème ENIM IFAC Conférence Internationale de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2010), Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010/05/10-12.
  137. Naccache S., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe, E. Brotherton, S. Mellouli (2010). Simulations participatives du XBeerGame: comparaisons des performances entre joueurs humains et agents decisionnels. 8ème ENIM IFAC Conférence Internationale de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2010), Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010/05/10-12.
  138. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe (2010). Supply web agent-based simulation platform. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2010), Casablanca, Morocco, 2010/04/13-16.
  139. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil and O. Labarthe (2009). Supply Web: Concept and Technology. 7th Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, Toronto, Canada. 2009/10/28-30.
  140. Bouchard J., et Montreuil B., (2009). Méthode de prévision journalière de séries temporelles saisonnières, 8e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France, 2009/06/10-12.
  141. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, O. Labarthe, & A. Morneau (2009). XBeerGame: simulations participatives pour le pilotage et l’analyse de chaînes logistiques, 8e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France, 2009/06/10-12.
  142. Montreuil, B., O. Labarthe, D. Hakimi, A. Larcher & M. Audet (2009). Supply Web Mapper, Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference (IESM), 2009-05-13/15, Montréal, Canada. *D. Hakimi winner of the best graduate research paper.
  143. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil et J.-M. Frayret (2009). An agent-based Algorithm for Personnel Scheduling and Rescheduling in Assembly Centers, INCOM 2009, Moscou, Russie, 2009/06/03-05.
  144. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, R. Glardon, M-J Yoo, Y. Elamiri, A.-S. Borter, A. Morneau, S. Naciri & P. Jermann (2008). Experiences in using the XBeerGame simulation tool for Supply Chain Management courses, ECGBL 2008 European Conference on Game Based Learning, Barcelona, Spain, 2008/10/16-17, 13 p.
  145. Montreuil B. & S. Caisse (2008). Exploiting a Business Design Framework for Modeling Multi-Stakeholder Business Relationships, e-Business Research Forum 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008/09/22-24.
  146. Sabar M., B. Montreuil & J-M Frayret (2008). A multi-agent approach based on kernel-stable coalitions for personnel scheduling in assembly centers, 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, États-Unis, 2008/09/07-10.
  147. Charfeddine M. & B. Montreuil (2008). Une approche de mappage stratégique de réseaux de santé intégrés (An approach for strategic mapping of integrated health networks), GISEH 2008 Gestion et ingénierie des systèmes hospitaliers, Lausanne, Suisse, 2008/09/04-06.
  148. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil & A. Ruiz (2008). Impacts of RFID Deployment on Real Time Management of Retail Stores, 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 2008/07/06-11.
  149. Montreuil B., J. Ashayeri, J. Lagerwaard & G. Janssen. (2008). Business intelligence design for live piloting of order fulfillment centers, Proceedings of 2008 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2008), Dortmund, Allemagne, 2008/05/28 - 2008/06/02.
  150. Marcotte, S., M-E, Hallé, & B. Montreuil (2008). Computer hardware reverse logistics: a field study of Canadian facilities, Proceedings of 2008 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2008), Dortmund, Allemagne, 2008/05/28 – 2008/06/02.
  151. Caisse S., D. Poulin, B. Montreuil & S. D'Amours. (2007). Cadre de positionnement conceptuel des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) dans le contexte des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) manufacturières, 1st e-Commerce & Internet Governance, ECIG 2007, Sousse, Tunisia, 2007/10/19-20.
  152. Rougès J.-F., D. Poulin, S. D'Amours & B. Montreuil, Les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, levier de performance pour les PME : revue d'une littérature ambiguë, 1st e-Commerce & Internet Governance, ECIG 2007, Sousse, Tunisia, 2007/10/19-20.
  153. Caisse S. & B. Montreuil (2007). Business Model Innovation in a Transforming Commodity Industry: The Case of a Canadian Lumber Remanufacturer, e-Business Research Forum 2007, Tampere, Finland, 2007/09/25-27.
  154. Labarthe, O., B. Montreuil, A. Ferrarini & B. Espinasse (2007). Coordination de chaînes logistiques centrées consommateurs : modélisations et simulations orientées agents, 7e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI’07), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 2007/06/05-09.
  155. Nour El Fath M., N. Nahas, & B. Montreuil. (2007). Ant colony optimization and the degraded ceiling algorithm for the discrete facility layout problem, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2007), Beijing, 2007/05/30 – 2007/06/02.
  156. Montreuil B., M. Charfeddine, O. Labarthe & A. Côté (2007). A generic agent-based framework for simulation in distributed healthcare systems, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM’07), Beijing, China, 2007/05/30 – 2007/06/02.
  157. Charfeddine M. & B. Montreuil (2007). Toward An Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Health Delivery Systems, Canadian Operations Research Society Annual Conference (CORS 2007), London, ON, Canada, 2007/05/13 – 2007/05/16.
  158. Montreuil B. & S. Caisse (2006). Mapping Client Expectations for Better Business Design Innovation, e-Business Research Forum 2006, Tampere, Finland, 2006/11/28-2006/12/02.
  159. Montreuil B. (2006). Facilities Network Design: A Recursive Modular Protomodel Based Approach, Proceedings of 2006 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium, Salt Lake City, U.S.A, 2006/06/9-16, CD format.
  160. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2006). Resource Planning Algorithm for Personalizing Networks, INCOM 2006, St-Étienne, France, 2006/05/17-19.
  161. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2006). A simulation-based algorithm for resource planning in the context of personalized offers, International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS), Lyon, France, 2006/05/15-17.
  162. Montreuil B., C. Cloutier, O. Labarthe & J. Loubier (2006). Agent-oriented modeling of distributed supply chains, International Conférence on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS), Lyon, France, 2006/05/15-17.
  163. Montreuil B., O. Labarthe, C. Cloutier & X. Zheng (2006). Modélisation des clients pour la simulation de dates de livraison, 6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM’06), Rabat, Maroc, 2006/04/3-5, 862-871. Prix du meilleur article Jeune Chercheur.
  164. Caisse S. & B. Montreuil (2005). Conceptualizing Businesses in the New Economy, Proceedings of Frontiers of E-Business Research 2005. Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere, 2005/09/26-28, p. 786-800.
  165. Montreuil B., & A. Ruiz (2005). Modeling and simulating retail facilities exploiting connective technologies, IFORS 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/07/11-15.
  166. Montreuil B., J. Bouchard & Y. Thibault (2005), Estimation de la demande à la source des ventes des produits substituables d'une entreprise étendue, 6e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Besançon, France, 2005/06/7-10.
  167. Montreuil B., D. Hakimi, P.-A. Leclerc & A. Ruiz (2005). Plateforme de pilotage, de simulation et de monitoring de magasins de détail permettant d'étudier l'impact de la technologie RFID sur leur performance, 6e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Besançon, France, 2005/06/7-10.
  168. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil & J-M. Frayret (2005)., Simulation à base d'agents du problème d'allocation dynamique du personnel sur une chaîne d'assemblage, 6e Congrès International de Génie Industriel, Besançon, France, 2005/06/7-10.
  169. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil & J-M. Frayret (2005). Competency based personnel scheduling in large assembly line, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM’05), Marrakech, Morocco, 2005/05/16-19.
  170. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2005). Factory Design Robustness : An Empirical Study, IERC 2005, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005/05/14-18.
  171. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil & J. Renaud (2004). Entrepreneurship and the Profit Zone Concept: Why Profit Models Theory doesn’t Fit in the Small Firm’s World, RENT XVIII, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004/11/25-26.
  172. Caisse S. & B. Montreuil, (2004). Business Design Framework: The Case of a Digital Art Studio, Proceedings of Frontiers of E-Business Research 2004. Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere, 2004/09/20-22, p. 606-622.
  173. Labarthe O., B. Montreuil, A. Ferrarini & B. Espinasse (2004). Modélisation multi-agents pour la simulation de chaînes logistiques de type personnalisation de masse, MOSIM 04, 5eme Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation, Nantes, France, 2004/09/01-03.
  174. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, N. Ouazzani & M. Nourelfath (2004). AntZone Layout Metaheuristic: Coupling Zone-based Layout Optimization, ant colony system and domain knowledge, Proceedings of the 2004 Material Handling Research Colloquium, CD publication, Graz, Austria, 2004/06/12-17.
  175. Admina B., B. Montreuil & D. Poulin (2004). Nouveaux concepts de restauration, ASAC Conference, CD format, Québec, Canada, 2004/06/9-10.
  176. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2004). Towards a Resource Planning Tool for Personalized Manufacturing, ASAC Conference, CD format, Québec, Canada, 2004/06/9-10.
  177. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil, J. Renaud & D. Caron (2004). Management stratégique du processus d’innovation: une enquête sur les PME technologiques manufacturières québécoises, ASAC Conference, CD format, Québec, Canada, 2004/06/09-10.
  178. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2004). Investigating the Impact of Heuristic Options in a Metaheuristic for Agile Holographic Factory Layout Design, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2004, Houston, Texas, 2004/05/15-19.
  179. Venkatadri U., S. Wang, B. Montreuil & A. Srinivasan (2004). Demand and Order Planning in supply Chain Networks, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2004, Houston, Texas, 2004/05/15-19.
  180. Montreuil B. (2004). Business Oriented Factory Design Framework, Proceedings of International conference: Management & Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004/05/12-15, 11p.
  181. Montreuil B. & O. Labarthe (2004). Interactive Distributed Multi-Agent Modeling and Simulation of Customer-Centric Demand and Supply Chains, INFORMS 2004, Conference on Operations Research / Management Sciences Practice, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 2004/04/25-27.
  182. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2004). Resource Planning Algorithm for Personalized Manufacturing, International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization, Rzezrow, Poland, 2004/04/21-23.
  183. Caron D., J. Vallerand, B. Montreuil & J. Renaud (2003). Innovation, cycle de vie et développement de nouveaux produits et procédés : défis des PME technologiques manufacturières de la région de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches, 5e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (GI2003), Québec, Canada, 2003/10/26-29.
  184. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil, D. Caron & J. Renaud (2003). Radar d’objectifs et indicateurs de performance, de la théorie à l’action : Une enquête sur les PME technologiques manufacturières québécoises, 5e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (GI2003), Québec, Canada, 2003/10/26-29.
  185. Labarthe O., A. Ferrarini, B. Montreuil & B. Espinasse (2003). Cadre de coordination distribué de chaîne logistique par mesure des performances, 5e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (GI2003), Québec, Canada, 2003/10/26-29.
  186. Abid C., B. Montreuil & S. D’Amours (2003). Planification hybride d’un réseau manufacturier bi-échelon dans un environnement dynamique incertain, 5e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (GI2003), Québec, Canada, 2003/10/26-29.
  187. Caisse, S. & Montreuil, B. 2004. Business Design: The Case of Fiction Storytelling. Proceedings of Frontiers of E-Business Research 2003. Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere, 2003/09/23-25, p. 77-93.
  188. Labarthe O., E. Tranvouez, A. Ferrarini, B. Espinasse & B. Montreuil (2003). A Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Modelling for Distributed Simulation of Supply Chains, First International Conference on Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2003), Prague, Czech Republic, 2003/09/1-3.
  189. Paquet M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2003). A manufacturing network design model based on processor and worker capabilities, Proceedings of IEPM2003 International conference on Engineering and Productions Management, Porto, Portugal, 2003/05/26-28.
  190. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2003). Implications of Personalization Offers on Demand and Supply Network Design: A Case from the Golf Club Industry, Proceedings of IEPM2003 International conference on Engineering and Productions Management, Porto, Portugal, 2003/05/26-28.
  191. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (2003). Factory Layout Robustness Evaluation under Stochastic Demand, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2003, Portland, Oregon, 2003/05/17-21.
  192. Venkatadri U., A. Srinivasan & B. Montreuil (2003). Demand and Price Planning in Supply Chain Networks, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2003, Portland, Oregon, 2003/05/17-21.
  193. Montreuil B. (2003). Factory Design Framework for the New Economy - a Tutorial, IERC 2003, Portland, Oregon, 2003/05/19-20.
  194. Caisse, S. & Montreuil, B. (2002). Towards an E-Business Design Framework. Proceedings of Frontiers of E-Business Research 2002. Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere, 2002/11/14-16, p. 93-106.
  195. Montreuil B. & M. Poulin (2002). Demand and Supply Network Design Scope for Personalized Manufacturing, Proceedings of MIM 2002 : 5th International Conference on Managing Innovations in Manufacturing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2002/09/9-11.
  196. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil, C. Olivier (2002). Factory Design Fitness for Dealing with Uncertainty, Proceedings of MIM 2002 : 5th International Conference on Managing Innovations in Manufacturing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2002/09/9-11.
  197. Abid C., S D'Amours & B. Montreuil (2002). Collaborative planning of business units within an internal manufacturing network, The 7th International symposium on logistics and The second international symposium on operations strategy, Melbourne, Australia, 2002/07/14-17.
  198. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton & S. Marcotte (2002). Zone Based Facilities Layout Optimization, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2002/05/19-22.
  199. Montreuil B. (2001), The Challenges of Industrial Engineers in the e-Business Era, Proceedings of International Computers & Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, 2001/11/02, keynote speaker.
  200. D’Amours S., A. Jabiri, D. Poulin & B. Montreuil (2001). Evaluation and selection of suppliers : a Benchmark study in a Canadian network of manufacturing enterprises, 10th International IPSERA (International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association), Jönköping, Sweden, 2001/04/8-11.
  201. Frayret J.M., L. Cloutier, B. Montreuil & S. D'Amours (2000). A Distributed Framework for Collaborative Supply Network Integration. Proc. of the PRO-VE 2000, Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise, Managing Cooperation in Virtual Org. and e-Business, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2000/12/4-6, pp 233-243.
  202. Cloutier, L., J.M. Frayret, S. D'Amours & B. Montreuil (2000). The NetMan Multi-Agent Architecture for e-Business in Network Organizations. Proc. of the PRO-VE 2000, Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise, Managing Cooperation in Virtual Org. and e-Business, Florianopolis, Brazil, 2000/12/4-6, pp 157-166.
  203. Abid C., S. D’Amours & B. Montreuil (2000). Un agent de planification de la production pour l’entreprise manufacturière en réseau, Proceedings 3rd International conference on Logistics Research, Trois-Rivières, (CD).
  204. Frayret J.M., S. D’Amours & B. Montreuil (2000). Cadre coopératif pour la gestion des réseaux manufacturiers, proceedings 3rd International conference on Logistics Research, Trois-Rivières (CD).
  205. Montreuil B. (2000). Design of Agile Factory Networks for Fast-Growing Companies, Proceedings of 2000 International Colloquium on Materials Handling Research, York, Penn., U.S.A, 2000/06/11-14. (CD format).
  206. D’Amours S. & B. Montreuil (1999). Contract-Based Tactical Planning of a Supply Chain, Proceedings of FUCAM IEPM’99 Industrial Engineering and Production Management Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 1999/07/12-15, v2, 23-32.
  207. Frayret J.-M., B. Montreuil, S. D’Amours & U. Venkatadri (1999). A Network Approach to Design and Operate Agile Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of FUCAM IEPM’99 Industrial Engineering and Production Management Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, July, v2, 443-452.
  208. Cloutier L., J.-M. Frayret, S. D’Amours, B. Espinasse & B. Montreuil (1999). A Commitment Oriented Approach to Networked Manufacturing, Proceedings of FUCAM IEPM’99 Industrial Engineering and Production Management Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, July, v2, 487-496.
  209. Frayret J.-M., S. D’Amours, B. Montreuil & U. Venkatadri (1999). NetMan Organizational and Operational Strategies: A Case Study, Proceedings of Montreal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai, vol. 1, 55-64.
  210. Lyonnais P., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1999). Agent Oriented Architecture for Simulation of Networked Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of Montreal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai, vol. 1, 75-84.
  211. Olivier C. & B. Montreuil (1999). Application de la simulation Monte Carlo à l’évaluation des aménagements de systèmes manufacturiers agiles, Proceedings of Montréal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai, 961-970.
  212. Cloutier L., J.-M. Frayret, S. D’Amours, B. Espinasse & B. Montreuil (1999). Coordinating Activities in Decentralized Manufacturing Enterprises : A Commitment-Oriented Approach, Proceedings of Montreal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai, vol. 1, 65-74.
  213. Frayret J.M., S. D'Amours, B. Montreuil, & U. Venkatadri (1998). An Approach to Model and Manage Cost-Risk Trade-off in Networked Manufacturing, Papers of the IIIrd International Conference on Management and Networked Enterprises, Université du Québec à Montréal, 08/31 to 09/02, Ed. G. St-Amant & M. Amani, 518-538.
  214. Montreuil B., Y. Thibault & M. Paquet (1998). Dynamic Network Factory Planning and Design, Proceedings of 1998 International Colloquium on Materials Handling Research, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., juin, 27 p.
  215. Montreuil B., J. Vallerand & D. Poulin (1996). Strategic Enterprise Realization and Transformation Processes in the Virtual Organization Era, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Managing Virtual Enterprises, Vancouver, 402-407.
  216. D’Amours S., P. Lefrançois & B. Montreuil (1996). Design of an Information System for a Networked Industry, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Managing Virtual Enterprises, Vancouver, 128-133.
  217. D’Amours S., P. Lefrançois, A. Ramudhin & B. Montreuil (1996). An Agent-Based Perspective to Design Networked Manufacturing Information Systems, Proceedings of CIMPRO’96, Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing in the Process Industries, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 18-32.
  218. Lefrançois P., L. Cloutier & B. Montreuil (1996). Agent-based Factory Information Systems, Proceedings of FAIM’96 Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
  219. Montreuil B. & P. Lefrançois (1996). Organizing factories as responsibility networks, Proceedings of 1996 International Colloquium on Material Handling Research, Netherlands, 311-348, also available as Document de travail 96-28, SORCIIER Center, Laval U., Canada.
  220. Olivier C., S. Marcotte, B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1996). Organizing Mass Customizing Factory into a Flexible Network of Processors, Proceedings of 5th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Minneapolis, U.S.A., 405-410.
  221. Olivier C., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1996). Design of Operational Planning and Control Systems for Factories Organized as Flexible Networks of Processors, Proceedings of 2nd World Automation Congress, Montpellier, France.
  222. Olivier C., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1996). A Conceptual Framework for Planning and Control of Virtual Manufacturing Networks in Agile Production Context, 5th International Conference on CIM & Automation Technology, Grenoble, France.
  223. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil & R. Paturel (1996). Le choix stratégique de l’organisation-réseau, Proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Mount Allison University, Canada, nov. 14-16.
  224. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil, R. Paturel & D. Poulin (1996). Le positionnement des PME francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick face au développement stratégique de l’organisation-réseau, Actes du 3ème Congrès International Francophone sur la PME, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, 22-24 octobre.
  225. Vallerand J., B. Montreuil & R. Paturel (1996). L’OR : une réserve stratégique de compétitivité (méthodologie dedéveloppement de l’organisation-réseau, Actes de la 5ème Conférence internationale de management stratégique, IAE de l’Université de Lille, France, 13-15 mai.
  226. D’Amours S., B. Montreuil & F. Soumis (1995). Conceptual Framework for Configuring Distributed Manufacturing Networks for Large-Series Production Programs, Proceedings of International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Canada, 1925-1934.
  227. D’Amours S., B. Montreuil, F. Soumis, P. Lefrançois & A. Ramudhin (1995). Advances on Networked Manufacturing, Proceedings of Brazil 1st International Congress of Industrial Engineering, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
  228. Jobin M.-H., P. Lefrançois & B. Montreuil (1995). Coordinated Distributed Scheduling : An Application for a Rolling-Mill Operation, Proceedings of International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Canada.
  229. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1995), Design of Holographic Layout of Agile Flow Shops, Proceedings of International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Canada.
  230. Olivier C., B. Montreuil, P. Lefrançois (1995). L’impact manufacturier du nouveau paradigme de personnalisation de masse, Actes de la Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel, Montréal, Canada, 1709-1718.
  231. Ramudhin A., F. Noël, B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1995). Scheduling Manufacturing Operations in a Competitive Environment, 4th International Conference on Project Management and scheduling, Leuven, Belgium, 197-200.
  232. Ait-Kadi, D., W. Abdul-Kader, B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1994). Deployment Strategy of Buffers in Transfer Lines, 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Ottawa, Canada, 94/08, 773-779.
  233. Montreuil B., M. Kaspi & A. Ramudhin (1994). Scheduling of Identical Parallel Processors with Arbitrary Initial Available Times, Proceedings of ASAC, Halifax, Canada.
  234. Olivier C., B. Montreuil, P. Lefrançois & J. Maley (1994). Evaluating Layouts for Mass Customizing Factories, 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 94/08, 862-869.
  235. Montreuil, B. & H. Paquet (1994).  Synchronizing Operations in a Transit Center, ISATA Conference on Integrated Logistics for the Automotive Industry, Aachen, Germany, 94/10-11
  236. Olivier C., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1994).  Object-Oriented Approach for Design of Control Syst. in Flexible Network of Manuf. Workstations, ISATA Conference on Agile Manufacturing for the Automotive Industry, Aachen, Germany, 94/10-11, pp. 301-308.
  237. Ait-Kadi, D., W. Abdul-Kader, B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1994).  Deployment Strategy of Buffers in Transfer Lines, 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 94/08, 773-779.
  238. D’Amours, S., B. Montreuil & F. Soumis (1994). Planning Operations in Symbiotic Manfacturing Networks, 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 94/08, 105-110.
  239. Montreuil, B., C. Olivier, P. Lefrançois & J. Maley (1994).  Evaluating Layouts for Mass Customizing Factories, 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 94/08, 862-869.
  240. Montreuil, B., C. Olivier, P. Lefrançois & J. Maley (1994).  Design of Flow & Work Patterns in Flexible Tandem of Customer-Server Cells, International Materials Handling Research Colloquium, Grand Rapids, U.S.A., 94/06.
  241. Montreuil B., D. Poulin & J. Vallerand (1994). L’intégration d’une vision globale de l’architecture des réseaux dans le processus de planificaiton stratégique, Colloque International de Management Stratégique des Réseaux d’Entreprises, IAE Université de Corse, mai.
  242. Ferland, M., B. Montreuil et D. Poulin (1993). Quebec's Strategy to Foster Value-Adding Interfirm Cooperation : A Dual Focus on Clustering and Networking, Procee­dings of the International Conference on Cluster Power  : Business Networks, 93/11/18-20, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
  243. Olivier, C., B. Montreuil et J.G. Maley (1993). Conception de patrons de flux et de travail pour un tandem de cellules flexibles clients-serveurs, Actes du 4e Congrès international de génie des systèmes industriels, Marseille, France, 93/12.
  244. Montreuil, B., D. Poulin et S. Gauvin (1993). The Network Enterprise Approach, Procee­dings of the International Conference on Interfirm Cooperation : A Key to SMEs competitiveness, Lisboa, Portugal, 93/10.
  245. Montreuil, B., J. Drolet et P. Lefrançois (1992). Conception et Gestion de Systèmes Manufac­turiers Cellulaires Virtuels/The Design and Management of Virtual Cellular manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of APICS 35th International Conference, Montréal, Québec, 92/10, 405-409, 410-414.
  246. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois, A. Ramudhin et S. D'Amours (1992). A Conceptual Introduc­tion to Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics/ Management and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japon, Septembre.
  247. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois et M.-H. Filteau (1992). Virtual Carrier Transit Systems : Mana­ging the Transit between Assembly and Shipping, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Material Handling Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June.
  248. Jobin, M.-H., P. Lefrançois et B. Montreuil (1992). Communicating Scheduling Information Between Agents Using a Public 3-D Gantt Chart, Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Mai.
  249. Mayrand, É., P. Lefrançois et B. Montreuil (1992). An Agent-Oriented Model of Manufacturing Activities, Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Mai.
  250. Montreuil, B. et P. Lefrançois (1992). Organism-Oriented Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Mai.
  251. Lefrançois, P. et B. Montreuil (1992). Object/Agent Oriented Modeling of a Rolling-Mill Facility, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Lyon, France, Mars, 17-27.
  252. Drolet, J.R., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1991). Empirical investigation of virtual cellular manufacturing systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufac­turing, Singapore, octobre.
  253. Drolet, J.R., C.L. Moodie & B. Montreuil (1991). Object Oriented Simulation with Smalltalk-80: A Case Study, Proceedings of 91 Winter Simulation Conference, 10 p., Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., December.
  254. Montreuil, B. (1991). Industrial microcosm : setting the stage for next-generation manufacturing enterprises, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Singapore, octobre.
  255. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1991). Scattered layout of intelligent job shops operating in a volatile environment, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufac­turing, Singapore, octobre.
  256. Chhajed, D., T. J. Lowe & B. Montreuil (1991). Integrated station location and flow network design for manufacturing systems layout, Proceedings of the joint US/German conference on new directions for operations research in manufacturing, Gaithersburg, MA, U.S.A., juillet.
  257. Bruneau, J., B. Montreuil & G. D'Avignon (1991). Conception et organisation des opérations de terminus pour le transport routier des marchandises : les impacts des nouvelles technologies sur la qualification de l'emploi de la main-d'oeuvre en manutention, Compte rendu du 26e congrès annuel de l'A.Q.T.R., Québec, Canada, avril, 415-440.
  258. Montreuil, B. (1990). Towards intelligent facilities layout design environments, Proceedings of US postal services 4th advanced technology conference, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., novembre, 501-515.
  259. Lefrançois, P., B. Montreuil & S. Dupont (1990). Approches objets & la notion d'agent pour la conception, la planification & le contrôle informatisé de la production, Compte rendu du Congrès 1990 de l'ASAC, Whistler, B.C., Canada, juin.
  260. Banerjee, P., B. Montreuil, C.L. Moodie & R.L. Kashyap (1990). Qualitative Peasoning-based Interactive Optimization Methodology for Layout Design, Proceedings of 1990 International Industrial Engineering Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A., May ; également disponible comme document FSA 90-14, Univ. Laval, Québec, Canada.
  261. Drolet, J., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1990). Virtual cellular manufacturing layout planning, Proceedings of 1990 International Industrial Engineering Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A., May, 236-241.
  262. Drolet, J., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1989). Decision Architecture for Scheduling Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of IFAC International Workshop on Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing, Genova, Italy, septembre.
  263. Drolet, J., C.L. Moodie & B. Montreuil (1989). An Expansion of the Virtual Cell Concept for Scheduling Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Production Research, Nottingham, United Kingdom, août.
  264. Drolet, J., C.L. Moodie & B. Montreuil (1989). Scheduling Factories of the Future, Proceedings of CIRP Conference on New Manufacturing Technology, Cookeville, IN, U.S.A., 1-2 juin.
  265. Montreuil, B. (1988). Manufacturing Systems Layout : From Design Skeleton to Net Layout, Compte-rendu de la 2e Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel en France, Nancy, France, décembre.
  266. Montreuil, B. & D. Stump (1988). Knowledge Preanalysis for Manufacturing Systems Layout, Proceedings of IIE International Industrial Engineering Conference, Orlando, FL., U.S.A., mai, 180-188.
  267. Montreuil, B. & P. Banerjee (1987). Object Based Programming for Computer Aided Layout of Productic Systems, Proceedings of COMPINT'87, International Conference IEEE Montech'87, Montréal, Canada, novembre, 267-270.
  268. Montreuil, B. & S.Y. Nof (1987). Approaches for Logical vs Physical Design of Intelligent Production Facilities, Proceedings of IXth International Conference on Production Research, août, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A., 2450-2458.
  269. Ramudhin, A., B. Montreuil et F. Bassal (1986). Investigation par simulation des éléments de conception d'un système de véhicules autoguidés, Compte rendu de la Première Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel en France, Paris, France, juin, 10 p.
  270. Lamarre, P., B. Montreuil et L. Quesnel (1986). Stratégies d'intégration dynamique d'ateliers flexibles à l'aménagement d'une PME industrielle, Compte-rendu de la Conférence Canadienne d'Informatique Industrielle, Montréal, Qué., Canada, mai, 6 p.
  271. Ouellet, P., R. Rochette, R.L. Papineau et B. Montreuil (1985). Développement d'une méthodologie améliorée d'évaluation de la rentabilité de nouvelles technologies dans la PME manufacturière et exemple d'application, Compte rendu du Colloque sur les Méthodes de diagnostique et évaluation de la productique, Strasbourg, France, juin.

B3. Other Refereed Material

  1. Montreuil B. (2009). The power of integrating value, vision, passion and action, On the MHove with the material handling industry of America, Vol. 10, Issue.2, Summer 2009, p. 4-5.
  2. Montreuil B. (2009). Breaking away from isolated R & D silos toward an innovation web, On the MHove with the material handling industry of America, Vol. 9, Issue. 4, Winter 2009, p. 4, 16.
  3. Montreuil B. (2008). Transforming how we model material handling and logistic systems, On the MHove with the material handling industry of America, Vol. 9, Issue. 3, Fall 2008, p. 4-5, 16.
  4. Montreuil B. (2008). Can we collectively have the genius to remove complexity from global material flow? On the MHove with the material handling industry of America, Vol. 9, Issue. 2, Summer 2008, p. 4, 16.
  5. Montreuil B. (2008). CERTIFIED LOGISTICS OPERATORS: Let Us Think About the Future of the Material Handling Workforce! On the MHove with the material handling industry of America, Vol. 9, Issue. 1, Spring 2008, p.
  6. Goulet, M., B. Montreuil, R.L. Papineau et R. Rochette (1984). La conception et la fabrication asssistées par ordinateur (CFAO) : Introduction et incidences, Gestion, vol.9, no.2, avril, 29-35.

B4. Submitted Journal Articles (with Date of Submission)

  1. Cerabona, T., F. Benaben, B. Montreuil, M. Lauras, L. Faugere, M.R. Campos & J. Jeany (2022/10/31). The Physics of Decision Approach :  A Physics-Based Vision to Manage Supply Chain Resilience. International Journal of Production Research.
  2. Kim, N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi & M.Z. Babai. (2021/10/27). Network Inventory Deployment for Responsive Fulfillment. International Journal of Production Economics.
  3. Kulkarni, O.A. & B. Montreuil (2021/7/17). Resilient Hyperconnected Parcel Delivery Network Design Under Disruption Risks. International Journal of Production Economics.
  4. Pan, S., D. Trentesaux, D. McFarlane, B. Montreuil, E. Ballot & G.Q. Huang (2021/03/31).  Digital Interoperability and Transformation in Logistics and Supply Chain Managment : Editorial. Computers in Industry.
  5. Liu, X., A.V. Barenji, B. Montreuil & G.Q. Huang (2020/11/26).  Blockchain-Based Smart tracking and Tracing Platform for Drug Supply Chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering.
  6. Pan, S., D. Trentesaux, D. McFarlane, B. Montreuil, E. Ballot & G.Q. Huang (2020/11/26).  Digital Interoperability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management : State-of-the-Art and Research Avenues Towards Physical Internet. Computers in Industry
  7. Fahim, P., J. Rezaei, B. Montreuil & L. Tavasszy (2020/09/21). Port Performance Evaluation and Selectin in the Physical Internet. Transport Policy
  8. Fahim, P., R. An, J. Rezaei, Y. Pang, B. Montreuil & L. Tavasszy (2020/03/17).  An Information Architectue to Enable Track-and-Trace Capability in Physical Internet Ports. Computers in Industry.
  9. Benaben, F., L. Faugere, B. Montreuil, M. Laura, N. Moradkhani, T. Cerabona, J. Gou & W. Mu (2020/04/20).  Instability is the Norm! A Physics-Based Theory to Navigate Among Riks and Opportunities. Enterprise Information Systems.
  10. Kim, N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi & N. Kholgade (2020/03/03).  Hyperconnected Urban Fulfillment and Delivery. Transportation Research Part E :  Logistics and Transportation Review.
  11. Kim, N., B. Montreuil & W. Klibi (2020). Availability Promising Contract Optimizationin E-commerce Dropship Supply Chain. Under review for European J. of Operational Research (EJOR).
  12. Oger R., M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, F. Benaben (2019/11/12). Decision Support System for Strategic Supply Chain Capacity Planning Under Uncertainty: Conceptual Framework and Experiment. Under review for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).
  13. Oger R., M. Lauras, F. Benaben, B. Montreuil, (2019/11/03). Dynamic Supply Chain Configuration: a Model-Driven Engineering Approach. Under review for Computers In Industry (CII).
  14. Kim N., W. Klibi & N. Kholgade, (2019/06/10).  Hyperconnected Urban Fulfillment and Transportation for Last Mile Delivery of Large Items.  Under review for Transportation Science, Special Issue – Urban Freight Transportation
  15. Park J. (2019/05/10).  Showcasing Optimization in Omnichannel Retailing.  Under review for European J. of Operational Research (EJOR).
  16. Arslan A.N., W. Klibi & B. Montreuil (2019/05/08). Distribution Network Deployment for Omnichannel Retailing. Under second review for European J. of Operational Research (EJOR).

C. Other Publications and Creative Products

C1. Other Creative Products

  1. Montreuil, B. (2010-). CollaborAction: A multi-player serious game focused on demonstrating the potential of collaborative networks, using a healthcare network as playing field. 
    • Exploited for numerous settings ranging from 24 to 300+ participants jointly engaged in the game.
    • The game is board based, with media-based synchronized timing, with digital support for game configuration, game simulation for validation and learning targeting purposes, and rapid scoring at each round.
  2. Montreuil, B. (2008-). XBeerGame : A web-based multi-player serious game platform enabling to play advanced extensions of the well-known Beer Game. 
    • Whereas the Beer Game aims to demonstrate the Bullwhip effect in supply chains, the XBeerGame further aims to have players learn how to master and conquer this bullwhip effect.
    • Exploited for numerous classes and workshops, from both academic and industry, having up to 20 teams of four participants jointly engaged in the game.
    • Numerous pedagogical rounds can be played, exploring the impacts of supply chain visibility, key performance indicators and dashboards, player incentives, production and storage capacity, lead times, capability to refuse orders and/or to cancel orders, multi-product interactions, quality of forecasts, communication between actors.
    • Games can have the teams facing the same demands and events, yet in parallel worlds, with demand either insensitive or sensitive to their service performance, or the teams can be living in the same world, competing for client demand in a single market.


D1. Keynote Addresses and Plenary Lectures

  1. Montreuil B. (2023). Physical Internet Initiatives Worldwide, Athens, Greece, 2023/06/13-15, Plenary speaker, https://www.pi.events/content/p2-physical-internet-initiatives-worldwide%C2%A0
  2. Montreuil B. (2023). On the Emerging Physical Internet:  Progress and Challenges Toward Resilient, Sustainable, Hyperconnected Freight Transportation and Logistic Ecosystems, Montreal, Canada, WCTR 2023, World Congress on Transportation Research, 2023/07/17-21, Keynote Speaker, http://wctr2023.ca/
  3. Montreuil B. (2023).Operating a fleet of electric vehicles: winning models, Pulse 2023, Plenary Panel Leader, Montréal, Canada, 2022/03/13-15.
  4. Montreuil B. (2022). Toward Physical Internet Enabled Resilient, Sustainable and Hyperconnected Supply Chain, Logistics, and Freight Ecosytems, Houston, TX, USA,  2022/10/07, Keynote Speaker, https://www.ie.uh.edu/sites/ie/files/seminars/2022/ieseminar_oct-07_2022.pdf
  5. Montreuil B. (2022). Your Supply Chain Re-Imagined Post-Pandemic, Virtual Event,  2022/08/20, Keynote Speaker, https://www.parcelforuminteract.com/agenda/session/260840
  6. Montreuil B. (2022). Concept of Physical Internet, Links Between E-Commerce and Omnichannel Strategies, Montreal, Canada, 2022/04/13, Plenary speaker, https://www.gclgroup.ca/evenements/conference-13-avril-2022-investir-dans-sa-transition-numerique-realites-enjeux/
  7. Montreuil B. (2021). Building Effective Supply Chain Networks, Big Data in Logistics, 2021 Hypermotion, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2021/11/02-03. Keynote Speaker, https://hypermotion-dubai.ae.messefrankfurt.com/dubai/en/events/scalex-conference-supply-chain-and-logistics-excellence.html
  8. Montreuil B. (2021). The Physical Internet: Origin, Progress, and Projection, 2021 Physical Internet Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2021/01/21, Keynote Speaker, https://www.picenter.gatech.edu/node/658
  9. Montreuil B. (2020). The Physical Internet: Shaping a Global Hyperconnected Logistics Infrastructure, IPIC 2020 International Physical Internet Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2020/11/18, Keynote Speaker, https://www.picenter.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/ipic2020-keynotehyperconnectedlogisticsinfrastructure_20201116_web.pdf
  10. Montreuil B. (2019). Toward Hyperconnected Omnichannel Supply Chains, Biz Fit Panama Conference, Panama City, Panama, 2019/10/10, Keynote Speaker.
  11. Montreuil B. (2019). Toward Physical internet Enabled Hyperconnected Synchromodal Logistics & Omnichannel Supply Chains, Georgia Tech Alumni Conference, Shanghai, China. 2019/04/27, Keynote Speaker.
  12. Montreuil B. (2019). Towards Smart, Hyperconnected, Sustainable Supply chains & Logistics: Shaping & Exploiting a Physical Internet, Physical Internet Workshop, Shanghai, China. 2019/04/27, Keynote Speaker.
  13. Montreuil B. (2019).  Towards Smart, Hyperconnected, Sustainable Supply Chains & Logistics: Shaping & Exploiting a Physical Internet, HBIS – Georgia Tech Event, Shanghai, China.  2019/4/25-05/01, Keynote Speaker.
  14. Montreuil B. (2018).  Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chains and Logistics Systems: Physical Internet Induced Business Model Innovation, IEEE International Conference on technology Management, Operations and Decisions (ICTMOD), Marrakech, Morocco, 2018/11/21-23, Keynote Speaker.
  15. Montreuil B. (2018).  Radical Changes in Freight Transport Systems, 5th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transportation, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018/11/29-30, Keynote Speaker.
  16. Montreuil B. (2018). The Physical Internet:  The Maximum Vision – What a Global Physical Internet Would Look Like, JLL’s European Logistics Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2018/10/25-26, Keynote Speaker.
  17. Montreuil B. (2018). The Physical Internet, Universidad de Antioquia (EXPOIngenieria), Medellin, Colombia, 2018/10/16-19, Keynote Speaker.
  18. Montreuil B. (2018). Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chain Capability Planning:  Conceptual Framework Proposal; and Urban Large-Item Logistics with Hyperconnected FulFillment and Transportation, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2018/06/18-22, Plenary speaker.
  19. Montreuil B. (2018). Toward Smart Hyperconnected Transportation and Logistics:  The Impacts on Ports and Port Cities, International Port Cities Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018/06/11-14, Keynote Speaker.
  20. Montreuil B. (2017). Towards Smart Hyperconnected Supply Chains and Logistics Systems: Challenges for Enterprise Computing, EDOC 2017 Enterprise Computing Conference, Québec City, Canada, 2017/10/10-13, Keynote Speaker.
  21. Montreuil B. (2017). Sustainability and Competitiveness: Is the Physical Internet a Solution?, International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 2017/07/04, Keynote Speaker.
  22. Montreuil B. (2017). Organisation et mise en place de projets dans le cadre du chantier de l’Internet Physique (Organizing & Implementing Projects in the Physical Internet Initiative), Congrès International de Gestion de Projets (International Project Management Conference), U.Q.T.R., Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 2017/05/26: Keynote Speaker.
  23. Montreuil B. (2017). Modeling and Simulation Challenges in Assessing and Enabling the Physical Internet, Spring Simulation Conference, Virginia Beach, U.S.A., 2017/04/24: Keynote Speaker.
  24. Montreuil B. (2017). The Physical Internet: A Paradigmatic Disruptive Supply Chain Innovation Enabling Higher Efficiency, Capability and Sustainability, CSCR Spring Symposium, Lehigh University, 2017/04/06-07: Keynote Speaker.
  25. Montreuil B. (2017). The Physical Internet Towards Efficient and Sustainable
    Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, Supply Chain Forum, Bordeaux, 2017/03/24: Keynote Speaker.
  26. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey: Changing Paradigms, Systems & Behaviors for Enabling Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, BECC 2016 Behavior, Energy and Climate Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., 2016/10/21: Spotlight speaker
  27. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains – The Impact on Ports and Port Cities, AIVP 2016 International Port City Association Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2016/10/05: Keynote speaker
  28. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Mobility & Automotive Supply Chains, Innovation Day @ Daimler Worlwide Transportation, Videoconference from Atlanta, U.S.A., to Stuttgart, Germany, 2016/09/19 : Keynote Speaker
  29. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, RIRL 2016 International Logistics Research Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2016/09/08. Keynote Speaker.
  30. Furmans K., J.R. Franklin, B. Montreuil, W. Stölzle, K. Windt (2016). A Field of Tension between Technology and Organization, 8th International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016/06/15-16. Plenary panelist.
  31. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet: Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, ILS 2016: International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chains, 2016-06/04, Bordeaux, France. Keynote Speaker.
  32. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet: Transposing the Principles of the Digital Internet to Logistics, Euralogistic & FAPICS Conference : ‘La révolution logistique et supply chain 2020’, Métaphone, Oignies, France, 2016/05/31: Plenary speaker
  33. Montreuil B., C. El Khoury, M. Khoury (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Automotive Supply Chain Logistics, Automotive Logistics Supply Chain Conference, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. 2016/05/18: Plenary speaker
  34. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Paradigm Shift : Drivers and Enabler of a New Way of Doing Logistics – A Conceptual Introduction, CSCMP European Research Seminar, Vienna, Austria, 2016/05/12. Plenary speaker
  35. Montreuil B. (2016). Paradigm-Shifting Innovation Towards Worldwide
    Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics and Supply Chains, International Conference on Leadership, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Dubai, UAE, 2016/04/21. Keynote speaker
  36. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey Enabling Order-of-Magnitude Improvements In Logistics and Supply Chain Capability, Performance & Sustainability, FCPC Supply Chain Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 2016/04/14: Plenary speaker
  37. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Enabling Order-of-Magnitude Improvements in Logistics and Supply Chain Capability, Performance and Sustainability, Supply Chain Forum, Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A., 2016/02/11 : Keynote speaker
  38. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet : Enabling the Hyperconnected Logistics Era, Supply Chain & Logistics Workshop, Panama City, Panama, 2015/10/12. Keynote speaker
  39. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Logistics, Georgia Tech – Manhattan Associates Supply Chain & Logistics Seminar Series, Atlanta, U.S.A., 2015/10/02. Keynote speaker
  40. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Logistics for Global Sustainability, Beijing Humboldt Forum 2015, Beijing, China, 2015/09/20. Keynote speaker
  41. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet Vision, European Alpbach Forum, Alpbach Technology Symposium : The Physical Internet – A Seismic Change in Supply Chain and Logistics, Alpbach, Austria, 2015/08/28. Keynote speaker
  42. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet: A Conceptual Journey, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08. Keynote Speaker
  43. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet – Efficient Sustainable Logistics, Logistik-Future-Lab, Design Center, Linz, Austria, 2015/06/24. Keynote speaker
  44. Montreuil B. (2015). Sustainability Challenges and Solutions for Port Regions: Building Momentum toward a Smart Interconnected Era of Efficient and Sustainable Logistics, Supply Chains and Transportation, Georgia Tech Savannah Learning Series, Savannah, U.S.A., 2015/06/04. Keynote speaker
  45. Montreuil B. (2015). Towards a Physical Internet : Enabling a New Era of Interconnected Furniture/Appliance Logistics and Supply Chains, International Furniture Transportation & Logistics Conference, Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A., 2015/05/13-15.  Keynote speaker
  46. Montreuil B. (2015). Towards a Physical Internet : Enabling a New Era of Interconnected Logistics and Supply Chains, Institute of Management Accountants –Atlanta Chapter, Atlanta, U.S.A., 2015/04/23.  Keynote speaker
  47. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet and Cloud Manufacturing, Nulogy xChange Conference, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 2015/02/26-27.  Keynote speaker
  48. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet: Towards Efficient Sustainable Interconnected Logistics, LODIS Research Forum, University of Louisville, KY, U.S.A., 2015/02/25. Keynote speaker
  49. Montreuil B. (2014). Physical Internet Enabled Inteconnected Business Engineering, 2014 APMS Advanced Production Management Conference, Ajaccio, France, 2014/09/22.  Keynote speaker
  50. Montreuil B., E. Ballot, R.D. Meller (2014). The Physical Internet:  State of the Initiative, First International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC 2014), Quebec (Canada), 2014/05/28. Keynote speaker
  51. Montreuil, B. (2012). The Physical Internet: Enabling Efficient and Sustainable Logistics. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012). Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012. Keynote speaker
  52. Montreuil, B. (2011). L’Internet Physique : Vers une logistique efficiente et durable, ESITH, 2011/05/05, Casablanca, Maroc.  Keynote speaker
  53. Montreuil, B. (2010). Toward a Physical Internet: A Global Sustainability Focused Collaborative Networking Initiative, 11th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES (Pro-VE), Saint-Etienne, France, 2010/10/11-13. Keynote speaker
  54. Montreuil, B. (2009), Toward a Physical Internet, Aiming for a Human Web, Gambrinus Fellowship Forum, Dortmund, Germany, 2009/11/02. Keynote speaker
  55. Montreuil, B. (2009), Evolution of Logistics Center Conceptualisation: Meeting the Physical Internet Challenges, Workshop on Stochastic Modeling in Warehousing, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2009/10/29. Keynote speaker
  56. Montreuil, B. (2009), Business Design Challenges in a Fast Evolving World, e-Business Research Forum 2009, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2009/09/22. Keynote speaker
  57. Montreuil, B. (2007), Evolving from mass to individual modeling of clients for enhanced business design and operation, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM’07), Beijing, China, 2007/05/30-2007/06/02. Keynote speaker.
  58. Montreuil, B. (2007), Global supply network challenges: a client centric perspective, VISUM – IX Congreso Internacional de Logistica y Cadena de Valor, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007/05/16-17. Keynote speaker.
  59. Montreuil, B. (2007), Enjeux et défis reliés au contexte de la nouvelle économie, Forum Réseau, Québec, Québec, 2007/05/14. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker.
  60. Montreuil, B. (2006), Holistic Immersive Simulation of Large Networked Businesses, Symposium on Complexities in Logistics Networks, SFB 559 Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund, Germany, 2006/11/23. Keynote speaker
  61. Montreuil, B. (2006), Comprehensive agent-based modeling and simulation of demand and supply chains, 2o. Coloquio de Ingeniería Industrial, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Estado de Mexico, 2006/03/27. Keynote speaker
  62. Montreuil, B. (2005), Challenges of Transforming the Business Model of Manufacturing Enterprises for the New Economy: The Case of Personalized Manufacturing, e-Business Research Forum 2005, Tampere, Finland, 2005/09/26-28. Keynote speaker
  63. Montreuil B. (2005), Toward comprehensive business design, modeling and simulation, Leaders in Business Research and Practice Seminar, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2005/09/23. Keynote speaker
  64. Montreuil B. (2005), Modelling Challenges in Design and Operation of Demand and Supply Networks, CORS 2005, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2005/05/16-18. Keynote speaker
  65. Montreuil B. (2003), The Challenges of Transforming the Business Model of Manufacturing Enterprises for the New Economy, Designing Productivity Conference, 2003/05/23, Halifax, Canada. Keynote speaker
  66. Montreuil B. (2000), Défis du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Congrès annuel de Société Canadienne de Génie Industriel, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, janvier. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker
  67. Montreuil B., (1997), Le défi du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Colloque : Le Carrefour de le Productivité, Le défi du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Trois-Rivières, 25 septembre. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker
  68. Montreuil B., (1995), Dynamic Flexible Factories, SWORD ‘94/95 Fourth Annual SW Ontario Operations Research Day and Student Paper Competition, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, February 10. Keynote speaker

D2. Invited Conference and Workshop Presentations

  1. Montreuil B. (2023). Physical Internet Initiatives Worldwide, Athens, Greece, 2023/06/13-15, Plenary speaker, https://www.pi.events/content/p2-physical-internet-initiatives-worldwide%C2%A0
  2. Montreuil B. (2023). On the Emerging Physical Internet:  Progress and Challenges Toward Resilient, Sustainable, Hyperconnected Freight Transportation and Logistic Ecosystems, Montreal, Canada, WCTR 2023, World Congress on Transportation Research, 2023/07/17-21, Keynote Speaker, http://wctr2023.ca/
  3. Montreuil B. (2023).Operating a fleet of electric vehicles: winning models, Pulse 2023, Plenary Panel Leader, Montréal, Canada, 2022/03/13-15.
  4. Montreuil B. (2022). Toward Physical Internet Enabled Resilient, Sustainable and Hyperconnected Supply Chain, Logistics, and Freight Ecosytems, Houston, TX, USA,  2022/10/07, Keynote Speaker, https://www.ie.uh.edu/sites/ie/files/seminars/2022/ieseminar_oct-07_2022.pdf
  5. Montreuil B. (2022). Your Supply Chain Re-Imagined Post-Pandemic, Virtual Event,  2022/08/20, Keynote Speaker, https://www.parcelforuminteract.com/agenda/session/260840
  6. Montreuil B. (2022). Concept of Physical Internet, Links Between E-Commerce and Omnichannel Strategies, Montreal, Canada, 2022/04/13, Plenary speaker, https://www.gclgroup.ca/evenements/conference-13-avril-2022-investir-dans-sa-transition-numerique-realites-enjeux/
  7. Montreuil B. (2021). Building Effective Supply Chain Networks, Big Data in Logistics, 2021 Hypermotion, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2021/11/02-03. Keynote Speaker, https://hypermotion-dubai.ae.messefrankfurt.com/dubai/en/events/scalex-conference-supply-chain-and-logistics-excellence.html
  8. Montreuil B. (2021). The Physical Internet: Origin, Progress, and Projection, 2021 Physical Internet Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2021/01/21, Keynote Speaker, https://www.picenter.gatech.edu/node/658
  9. Montreuil B. (2020). The Physical Internet: Shaping a Global Hyperconnected Logistics Infrastructure, IPIC 2020 International Physical Internet Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2020/11/18, Keynote Speaker, https://www.picenter.gatech.edu/sites/default/files/ipic2020-keynotehyperconnectedlogisticsinfrastructure_20201116_web.pdf
  10. Montreuil B. (2019). Toward Hyperconnected Omnichannel Supply Chains, Biz Fit Panama Conference, Panama City, Panama, 2019/10/10, Keynote Speaker.
  11. Montreuil B. (2019). Toward Physical internet Enabled Hyperconnected Synchromodal Logistics & Omnichannel Supply Chains, Georgia Tech Alumni Conference, Shanghai, China. 2019/04/27, Keynote Speaker.
  12. Montreuil B. (2019). Towards Smart, Hyperconnected, Sustainable Supply chains & Logistics: Shaping & Exploiting a Physical Internet, Physical Internet Workshop, Shanghai, China. 2019/04/27, Keynote Speaker.
  13. Montreuil B. (2019).  Towards Smart, Hyperconnected, Sustainable Supply Chains & Logistics: Shaping & Exploiting a Physical Internet, HBIS – Georgia Tech Event, Shanghai, China.  2019/4/25-05/01, Keynote Speaker.
  14. Montreuil B. (2018).  Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chains and Logistics Systems: Physical Internet Induced Business Model Innovation, IEEE International Conference on technology Management, Operations and Decisions (ICTMOD), Marrakech, Morocco, 2018/11/21-23, Keynote Speaker.
  15. Montreuil B. (2018).  Radical Changes in Freight Transport Systems, 5th International Workshop on Sustainable Road Freight Transportation, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018/11/29-30, Keynote Speaker.
  16. Montreuil B. (2018). The Physical Internet:  The Maximum Vision – What a Global Physical Internet Would Look Like, JLL’s European Logistics Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2018/10/25-26, Keynote Speaker.
  17. Montreuil B. (2018). The Physical Internet, Universidad de Antioquia (EXPOIngenieria), Medellin, Colombia, 2018/10/16-19, Keynote Speaker.
  18. Montreuil B. (2018). Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chain Capability Planning:  Conceptual Framework Proposal; and Urban Large-Item Logistics with Hyperconnected FulFillment and Transportation, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2018/06/18-22, Plenary speaker.
  19. Montreuil B. (2018). Toward Smart Hyperconnected Transportation and Logistics:  The Impacts on Ports and Port Cities, International Port Cities Conference, Quebec, Canada, 2018/06/11-14, Keynote Speaker.
  20. Montreuil B. (2017). Towards Smart Hyperconnected Supply Chains and Logistics Systems: Challenges for Enterprise Computing, EDOC 2017 Enterprise Computing Conference, Québec City, Canada, 2017/10/10-13, Keynote Speaker.
  21. Montreuil B. (2017). Sustainability and Competitiveness: Is the Physical Internet a Solution?, International Physical Internet Conference, Graz, Austria, 2017/07/04, Keynote Speaker.
  22. Montreuil B. (2017). Organisation et mise en place de projets dans le cadre du chantier de l’Internet Physique (Organizing & Implementing Projects in the Physical Internet Initiative), Congrès International de Gestion de Projets (International Project Management Conference), U.Q.T.R., Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 2017/05/26: Keynote Speaker.
  23. Montreuil B. (2017). Modeling and Simulation Challenges in Assessing and Enabling the Physical Internet, Spring Simulation Conference, Virginia Beach, U.S.A., 2017/04/24: Keynote Speaker.
  24. Montreuil B. (2017). The Physical Internet: A Paradigmatic Disruptive Supply Chain Innovation Enabling Higher Efficiency, Capability and Sustainability, CSCR Spring Symposium, Lehigh University, 2017/04/06-07: Keynote Speaker.
  25. Montreuil B. (2017). The Physical Internet Towards Efficient and Sustainable
    Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, Supply Chain Forum, Bordeaux, 2017/03/24: Keynote Speaker.
  26. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey: Changing Paradigms, Systems & Behaviors for Enabling Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, BECC 2016 Behavior, Energy and Climate Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A., 2016/10/21: Spotlight speaker
  27. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains – The Impact on Ports and Port Cities, AIVP 2016 International Port City Association Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2016/10/05: Keynote speaker
  28. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Mobility & Automotive Supply Chains, Innovation Day @ Daimler Worlwide Transportation, Videoconference from Atlanta, U.S.A., to Stuttgart, Germany, 2016/09/19 : Keynote Speaker
  29. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, RIRL 2016 International Logistics Research Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2016/09/08. Keynote Speaker.
  30. Furmans K., J.R. Franklin, B. Montreuil, W. Stölzle, K. Windt (2016). A Field of Tension between Technology and Organization, 8th International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2016/06/15-16. Plenary panelist.
  31. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet: Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics & Supply Chains, ILS 2016: International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chains, 2016-06/04, Bordeaux, France. Keynote Speaker.
  32. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet: Transposing the Principles of the Digital Internet to Logistics, Euralogistic & FAPICS Conference : ‘La révolution logistique et supply chain 2020’, Métaphone, Oignies, France, 2016/05/31: Plenary speaker
  33. Montreuil B., C. El Khoury, M. Khoury (2016). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Automotive Supply Chain Logistics, Automotive Logistics Supply Chain Conference, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. 2016/05/18: Plenary speaker
  34. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Paradigm Shift : Drivers and Enabler of a New Way of Doing Logistics – A Conceptual Introduction, CSCMP European Research Seminar, Vienna, Austria, 2016/05/12. Plenary speaker
  35. Montreuil B. (2016). Paradigm-Shifting Innovation Towards Worldwide
    Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics and Supply Chains, International Conference on Leadership, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Dubai, UAE, 2016/04/21. Keynote speaker
  36. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey Enabling Order-of-Magnitude Improvements In Logistics and Supply Chain Capability, Performance & Sustainability, FCPC Supply Chain Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 2016/04/14: Plenary speaker
  37. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet : Enabling Order-of-Magnitude Improvements in Logistics and Supply Chain Capability, Performance and Sustainability, Supply Chain Forum, Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A., 2016/02/11 : Keynote speaker
  38. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet : Enabling the Hyperconnected Logistics Era, Supply Chain & Logistics Workshop, Panama City, Panama, 2015/10/12. Keynote speaker
  39. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet : Towards Hyperconnected Logistics, Georgia Tech – Manhattan Associates Supply Chain & Logistics Seminar Series, Atlanta, U.S.A., 2015/10/02. Keynote speaker
  40. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Logistics for Global Sustainability, Beijing Humboldt Forum 2015, Beijing, China, 2015/09/20. Keynote speaker
  41. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet Vision, European Alpbach Forum, Alpbach Technology Symposium : The Physical Internet – A Seismic Change in Supply Chain and Logistics, Alpbach, Austria, 2015/08/28. Keynote speaker
  42. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet: A Conceptual Journey, 2nd International Physical Internet Conference, Paris, France, 2015/07/06-08. Keynote Speaker
  43. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet – Efficient Sustainable Logistics, Logistik-Future-Lab, Design Center, Linz, Austria, 2015/06/24. Keynote speaker
  44. Montreuil B. (2015). Sustainability Challenges and Solutions for Port Regions: Building Momentum toward a Smart Interconnected Era of Efficient and Sustainable Logistics, Supply Chains and Transportation, Georgia Tech Savannah Learning Series, Savannah, U.S.A., 2015/06/04. Keynote speaker
  45. Montreuil B. (2015). Towards a Physical Internet : Enabling a New Era of Interconnected Furniture/Appliance Logistics and Supply Chains, International Furniture Transportation & Logistics Conference, Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A., 2015/05/13-15.  Keynote speaker
  46. Montreuil B. (2015). Towards a Physical Internet : Enabling a New Era of Interconnected Logistics and Supply Chains, Institute of Management Accountants –Atlanta Chapter, Atlanta, U.S.A., 2015/04/23.  Keynote speaker
  47. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet and Cloud Manufacturing, Nulogy xChange Conference, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 2015/02/26-27.  Keynote speaker
  48. Montreuil B. (2015). Physical Internet: Towards Efficient Sustainable Interconnected Logistics, LODIS Research Forum, University of Louisville, KY, U.S.A., 2015/02/25. Keynote speaker
  49. Montreuil B. (2014). Physical Internet Enabled Inteconnected Business Engineering, 2014 APMS Advanced Production Management Conference, Ajaccio, France, 2014/09/22.  Keynote speaker
  50. Montreuil B., E. Ballot, R.D. Meller (2014). The Physical Internet:  State of the Initiative, First International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC 2014), Quebec (Canada), 2014/05/28. Keynote speaker
  51. Montreuil, B. (2012). The Physical Internet: Enabling Efficient and Sustainable Logistics. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012). Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012. Keynote speaker
  52. Montreuil, B. (2011). L’Internet Physique : Vers une logistique efficiente et durable, ESITH, 2011/05/05, Casablanca, Maroc.  Keynote speaker
  53. Montreuil, B. (2010). Toward a Physical Internet: A Global Sustainability Focused Collaborative Networking Initiative, 11th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES (Pro-VE), Saint-Etienne, France, 2010/10/11-13. Keynote speaker
  54. Montreuil, B. (2009), Toward a Physical Internet, Aiming for a Human Web, Gambrinus Fellowship Forum, Dortmund, Germany, 2009/11/02. Keynote speaker
  55. Montreuil, B. (2009), Evolution of Logistics Center Conceptualisation: Meeting the Physical Internet Challenges, Workshop on Stochastic Modeling in Warehousing, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2009/10/29. Keynote speaker
  56. Montreuil, B. (2009), Business Design Challenges in a Fast Evolving World, e-Business Research Forum 2009, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2009/09/22. Keynote speaker
  57. Montreuil, B. (2007), Evolving from mass to individual modeling of clients for enhanced business design and operation, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM’07), Beijing, China, 2007/05/30-2007/06/02. Keynote speaker.
  58. Montreuil, B. (2007), Global supply network challenges: a client centric perspective, VISUM – IX Congreso Internacional de Logistica y Cadena de Valor, Mexico City, Mexico, 2007/05/16-17. Keynote speaker.
  59. Montreuil, B. (2007), Enjeux et défis reliés au contexte de la nouvelle économie, Forum Réseau, Québec, Québec, 2007/05/14. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker.
  60. Montreuil, B. (2006), Holistic Immersive Simulation of Large Networked Businesses, Symposium on Complexities in Logistics Networks, SFB 559 Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund, Germany, 2006/11/23. Keynote speaker
  61. Montreuil, B. (2006), Comprehensive agent-based modeling and simulation of demand and supply chains, 2o. Coloquio de Ingeniería Industrial, Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Estado de Mexico, 2006/03/27. Keynote speaker
  62. Montreuil, B. (2005), Challenges of Transforming the Business Model of Manufacturing Enterprises for the New Economy: The Case of Personalized Manufacturing, e-Business Research Forum 2005, Tampere, Finland, 2005/09/26-28. Keynote speaker
  63. Montreuil B. (2005), Toward comprehensive business design, modeling and simulation, Leaders in Business Research and Practice Seminar, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2005/09/23. Keynote speaker
  64. Montreuil B. (2005), Modelling Challenges in Design and Operation of Demand and Supply Networks, CORS 2005, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2005/05/16-18. Keynote speaker
  65. Montreuil B. (2003), The Challenges of Transforming the Business Model of Manufacturing Enterprises for the New Economy, Designing Productivity Conference, 2003/05/23, Halifax, Canada. Keynote speaker
  66. Montreuil B. (2000), Défis du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Congrès annuel de Société Canadienne de Génie Industriel, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, janvier. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker
  67. Montreuil B., (1997), Le défi du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Colloque : Le Carrefour de le Productivité, Le défi du changement à l’aube du troisième millénaire, Trois-Rivières, 25 septembre. Conférencier d’honneur / Keynote speaker
  68. Montreuil B., (1995), Dynamic Flexible Factories, SWORD ‘94/95 Fourth Annual SW Ontario Operations Research Day and Student Paper Competition, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, February 10. Keynote speaker

D3. Conference and Workshop Presentations

  1. Li, J., G. Chen, B. Montreuil (2024). Hyperconnected Vehicle Delivery : Advancing a Multi-Modal Relay Ecosystem Across the USA, Georgia Tech Sustainability Showcase Lightning Talks, 2024/03/08.
  2. Kulkarni, O., M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected Relay-Based Logistics Network Design with Stochastic Demand, IISE 2023 Annual Conference and Expo, PhD Presenter.
  3. Quan, Y., A. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Predictive Demand Disruption Signals for Supply Chain Networks, IISE 2023 Annual Conference and Expo, PhD Presenter.
  4. Cerabona, T., F. Benaben, L. Faugere, M. Lauras, J-P Gitto, B. Montreuil (2023). Introduction to a Physics-Based Theory to Manage Risks and Opportunities in Supply Chain, I-ESA 2023 Conference, PhD Presenter.
  5. Labarthe, O., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil, J-C. Deschamps (2023). Hyperconnected Urban  Synchromodality:  Synergies Between Freight and People Mobility, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  6. Campos, M., L. McGinnis, B. Montreuil (2023). Modeling and Simulation of An Agile Assembly Center In A Physical Internet Inspired Manufacturing System, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  7. Pothen, A., M.M. Inan., B. Montreuil, M. Lauras, F. Benaben, Y. Xie (2023). Demand-Supply Alignment In Supply Chain Networks with Access to Hyperconnected Production Options, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference,  PhD Presenter.
  8. Mingze, L. M. Campos, A. Barenji, L. McGinnis, B. Montreuil (2023). Kit Fulfillment Centers Serving Distributed Small-Series Assembly Centers in Hyperconnected Supply Chain Networks, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  9. Park, J., B. Montreuil (2023). Leveraging Customer Conversion Behavior in Hyperconnected Networks, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  10. Li, J., X. Liu, M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Stochastic Service Network Design with Different Operational Patterns for Hyperconnected Relay Transportation, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  11. Yamin, K., H. Wang, B. Montreuil, Y. Xie (2023). Online Detection of Supply Chain Network Disruptions Using Sequential Change-Point Detection for Hawkes Processes, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  12. Meuche, K., B. Montreuil (2023). Framework for Leveraging Physical Internet Principles for Long-Tail Products In E-Commerce, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  13. Grover, N., S.J. Shaikh, L. Faugere, B. Montreuil (2023). Surfing the Physical Internet with Hyperconnected Logistics Networks, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  14. Shaikh, S.J., A. Pothen, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected and Autonomous Distribution System for Societally Critical Products, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  15. Kwon, S., J. Leveque, W. Klibi, G. Stauffer, B. Montreuil (2023). Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Delivery Service Requirements, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  16. Kwon, S., B. Montreuil, M. Dahan, W. Klibi (2023). Hyperconnected Logistic Service Networks:  Bidding-Based Design Framework, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  17. Shaikh, S.J., N. Kim, M. Rababah, B. Montreuil, J.S. Smith (2023). Modular Containerization of Parcel Logistics Networks:  Simulation-Based Impact Assessment, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  18. Kulkarni, O., M. Dahan, B. Montreuil (2023). Resilience Assessment of Hyperconnected Parcel Logistic Networks Under Worst-Case Disruptions, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  19. Xu, Y., W. Klibi, B. Montreuil (2023). Dynamic Resource Deployment In Hyperconnected Parcel Logistic Hub Networks, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  20. Wu, Z., R. Oger, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, L. Faugere (2023). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Circular Supply Chains, IPIC 2023 International Physical Internet Conference, PhD Presenter.
  21. Cerabona, T., N. Moradkhani, M. Lauras, B. Montreuil, A. Fertier (2023). Decision Support in Uncertain Contexts:  Physics of Decision and Virtual Reality, 20th ISCRAM Conference, PhD Presenter.
  22. Li J., B. Montreuil, M. Campos (2022). Trucker-Sensitive Hyperconnected Large-Freight Transportation: An Operating System, IISE Annual Conference 2022, Awarded Best Student Paper in Logistics and Supply Chain, 2022/05/22-25.
  23. Xu Y., Y. Liu, B. Montreuil (2022). Dynamic Workforce Scheduling and Relocation in Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics Hubs, IISE Annual Conference 2022, Awarded 2nd Best Student Paper in Logistics and Supply Chain, 2022/05/22-25.
  24. Shaikh S. J., A. Pothen, B. Montreuil, X. Pan, S. Yang, J. Yim (2022). Physical Internet Based Critical Supply System – Living Lab Initiative for PPE Supply and Distribution During COVID-19 Pandemic. IISE Annual Conference 2022, 2022/05/22-25.
  25. McGinnis L., S. Babalou, W. Bao, M. Campos, B. Montreuil (2022). Designing A State-of-the-Art Factory for Modular Housing Manufacturing, IISE Annual Conference 2022, 2022/05/22-25.
  26. Bidoni Z. B., B. Montreuil (2022). Risk-Sensitive Scenario-Based Prediction of On-Site Demand and Completion Times in Modular Construction Projects, IISE Annual Conference 2022, 2022/05/22-25.
  27. Zeng Y., B. Montreuil (2022). Configure Logistics Centers Using Skeletons in Construction Industry, IISE Annual Conference 2022, 2022/05/22-25.
  28. Fahim P., J. Rezaei, L. Tavasszy & B. Montreuil (2019). Port Selection in the Physical Internet: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach, Doctoral Colloquium of 6th International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK, 2019/07/08-11.
  29. Faugere L., B. Montreuil, C. White & W. Klibi (2019). Designing, Managing and Operating Access Hub Networks for Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics, IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK, 2019/07/08-11.
  30. Kaboudvand S., B. Montreuil, M. Savelsbergh & M.R. Campos Murcia (2019). Assessing the Fast-Response Service Capability of Hyperconnected Megacity Parcel Logistics Webs, IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK, 2019/07/08-11.
  31. Kim N., B. Montreuil & W. Klibi (2019). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Fulfillment of Delivery Time Sensitive E-Commerce Orders, Proceedings of IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK, 2019/07/08-11.
  32. Park J., B. Montreuil, I. Dayarian, S. Derhami (2019). Hyperconnected Showcasing-Based Retail and Distribution of High-Value Products, IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference and Doctoral Colloquium of 6th International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK,2019/07/08-11
  33. Tu D. & B. Montreuil (2019). Hyperconnected Megacity Logistics: Multi-Tier Territory Clustering and Multi-Plane Meshed Hub Network Design, IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK,2019/07/08-11.
  34. Yim J., S. Derhami & B. Montreuil (2019). Optimizing High-Value Product Availability in Hyperconnected Retail Networks, Proceedings of IPIC 2019 International Physical Internet Conference, London, UK, 2019/07/08-11.
  35. Montreuil B. (2018), Blockchain Enabled Supply Chains, Panelist:  Blockchain Roundtable at GT, Atlanta, GA, 2018/12/05.
  36. Montreuil B. (2018), Panel Session #2:  Ecom Fulfillment and the Physical Internet:  Some Motivation and a Persistent Change; with Dr. Russell D. Meller and Prof. Eric Ballot, 2018 International Material Handling Conference, Savannah, GA, 2018/07/23-27.
  37. Kim N., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi (2018), Stochastic Inventory Allocation and Deployment in Hyperconnected Fulfillment Networks, Doctoral colloquium, 5th International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, NL, 2018/06/19
  38. Kim N. & B. Montreuil (2018), Simulation modeling of hyperconnected distributions, IISE Annual Conference, Orlando, USA, 2018/05/19-22.
  39. Montreuil B. (2018), Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Transportation and Logistics, Canadian National Railways, Montreal, Canada, 2018/04/13-16.
  40. Faugère L. & B. Montreuil (2018), Smart Locker Bank Design Optimizaiton for Urban Omnichannel Logistics, INFORMS TSL Workshop on E-Commerce and Urban Logistics, Hong Kong, 2018/01/08-10.
  41. Kim N. & B. Montreuil (2018), Hyperconnected Last-Mile Delivery of Large Items in Urban Area, INFORMS TSL Workshop on E-Commerce and Urban Logistics, Hong Kong, 2018/01/08-10.
  42. Rouis, Y., A. Nur Arslan, W Klibi & B. Montreuil (2018), Online Channel-Driven Distribution Network Design, INFORMS TSL Workshop on E-Commerce and Urban Logistics, Hong Kong, 2018/01/08-10.
  43. Zeng Y., B. Montreuil, M. Khoury, T. Naykodi, S. Wang (2017), Inbound Storage Block Stacking Optimization for Vehicle Assembly Factories, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 2017/10/22-25.
  44. Kim N. & B. Montreuil (2017), Hyperconnected Distribution for the Last-mile Delivery of Large-Items in Urban Area, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 2017/10/22-25.
  45. Beem P., S. Hoekstra, B. Montreuil & K. Gue (2016), Multi-Agent Simulation Study of the Physical Internet in a Network of E-Commerce Businesses in the Area of Louisville, IPIC 2016 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. 2016/06/29-07/01: Best poster award – 1st Place
  46. Ansari M., J. Smith & B. Montreuil (2016), Agent Based Simulation Enabling Assessment of Customer Centric Hyperconnected Demand and Supply Chain Transformation, IPIC 2016 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. 2016/06/29-07/01: Best poster award – 2nd Place
  47. Faugère L., B. Montreuil (2016). Hyperconnected City Logistics: Smart Lockers Terminals & Last Mile Delivery Networks, IPIC 2016: 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, June 29-July 1, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
  48. Montreuil B., C. El Khoury & M. Khoury (2016). Towards Hyperconnected Automotive Supply Chains, IPIC 2016: 3rd International Physical Internet Conference, June 29-July 1, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
  49. Sohrabi H., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi (2016). Collaborative and Hyperconnected Distribution Systems: A Comparative Optimization-Based Assessment, 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Anaheim, U.S.A., 2016/05/22-24.
  50. Sohrabi H., B. Montreuil, W. Klibi (2015). Interconnected distribution strategy: a modeling approach, 2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, U.S.A., 2015/05/31-2015/06/01.
  51. Naccache, S., B. Montreuil (2015). Interconnected E-distribution. International Business and Consumer Research (IBCR), Québec, Canada, May 31 – June 3 2015.
  52. Naccache, S., B. Montreuil (2014). Multi - Agent Simulation Based Investigation of Interconnected Distribution in E-Commerce Logistics. 56th CORS Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 26-28, 2014.
  53. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil (2013). Integrating Shared Storage Space Deployment in the Holographic Design of Refurbishing and Recycling Facilities. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2013/05/18-22.
  54. Montreuil B., Z. Montreuil, R. Meller, C. Thivierge (2013). Physical Internet Crossdocking Hub Design: A Simulation-Based Investigation. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2013/05/18-22.
  55. Montreuil B., C. Thivierge, D. Hakimi, Z. Montreuil (2013). Physical Internet Transit Facilities Network Design for Distributed Trailer Transport. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2013/05/18-22.
  56. Kimiagari S., B. Montreuil (2013). Developing an Hybrid Approach for Market Deployment Roadmapping. Journées de l’Optimisation / Optimization days (JOPT 2013), Montréal, 2013/05/06-08.
  57. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil (2013). Integrating Shared Storage Space Deployment in the Holographic Design of Refurbishing and Recycling Facilities. Journées de l’Optimisation / Optimization days (JOPT 2013), Montréal, 2013/05/06-08.
  58. Montreuil, B. (2013). L’Initiative Internet Physique: le Web au Service de la Logistique. Congrès de l’ACFAS, Colloque 655 – Gouvernance, patrimoine, education, sate et transports : cinq axes pour comprendre et construire les villes intelligentes: Jour 5 - Les transports, la logistique et l’urbanisme dans une ville intelligente, Québec (Qc), Canada, 2013/05/06-10.
  59. Montreuil B., E. Ballot & E. Fontane (2012). An Open Logistics Interconnection model for the Physical Internet. 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2012). Bucharest, Romania 2012/05/23-25.
  60. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil, R. Sarraj, E. Ballot (2012). Simulating a Physical Internet Enabled Logistics Web: The Case of Mass Distribution in France. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Orlando, U.S.A. 2012/05/19-23.
  61. Heni H., D. Hakimi, B. Montreuil (2012). A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Multimodal Transportation of Physical Internet Containers. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Orlando, U.S.A. 2012/05/19-23.
  62. Sohrabi H., W. Klibi & B. Montreuil (2012). Modeling a Scenario-Based Network Design Problem in an Open Distribution. Journées de l’Optimisation 2012 Optimization days (JOPT 2012). Montréal, Canada, 2012/05/07-09.
  63. Sohrabi H., N. Zufferey & B. Montreuil (2012). Deterministic Dynamic Distribution Network Design within an Open Distribution Web: a Tabu Search Based Metaheuristic. Journées de l’Optimisation 2012 Optimization days (JOPT 2012). Montréal, Canada, 2012/05/07-09.
  64. Kimiagari, S. (2012). Market Deployment Roadmap Optimization Model. Journées de l’Optimisation 2012 Optimization days (JOPT 2012). Montréal, Canada, 2012/05/07-09.
  65. Meller R.D., B. Montreuil, E. Ballot & K. Ellis (2011). Physical Internet: On-going and Future Research, Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC 2011: Enterprise Transformation), Reno, Nevada, U.S.A., 2011/05/22.
  66. Montreuil, B. (2011) L’Internet Physique en solution au défi modial d’une logistique efficiente et durable : Présentation de la vision et exploration des impacts sur l’aménagement et le développement durables des espaces urbains et ruraux, Séminaire de recherche de l’École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional (ESAD) et du Centre de recherche en aménagement et en développement (CRAD), Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2011-04-08.
  67. Montreuil, B. (2010) The Emergence of the Physical Internet Initiative, Informs Fall 2010 Conference: Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 2010/11/7-10.
  68. Ballot E., F. Fontane, B. Montreuil (2010) Physical Internet: Towards a New Network Topology for Logistics Services. INFORMS, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 2010/11/07-10.
  69. Meller R., B. Montreuil (2010) Physical Internet Facilities. INFORMS, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 2010/11/07-10.
  70. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil (2010) Robust Design of Computer Remanufacturing and Recycling Facilities. INFORMS, Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 2010/11/07-10.
  71. Brotherton E., B. Montreuil, R. Glardon, S. Naccache (2010) Apprentissage expérientiel en gestion des chaînes logistiques: Exploitation des simulateurs participatifs tels que le XBeerGame. 8èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique (RIRL 2010), Bordeaux, France, 2010/09/29-10/01.
  72. Cloutier C., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe, J. Loubier (2010) Modélisation de la demande et du comportement des consommateurs pour la simulation de chaînes logistiques de biens de consommation à haute valeur ajoutée. 8èmes Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique (RIRL 2010), Bordeaux, France, 2010/09/29-10/01.
  73. Montreuil B., R. Nigam, Z. Su (2010) Global supply networks: bilateral client-supplier value expectations. e-Business Research Forum (EBRF), Nokia, Finland, 2010/09/15-17.
  74. Charfeddine M., B. Montreuil (2010) Vers un cadre méthodologique de modélisation et de simulation orientée agent pour les systèmes de livraison de soins de santé. Conférence Francophone Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers (GISEH), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010/09/02-04.
  75. Doran M-A., S. Mellouli, B. Montreuil (2010) Panel 3: What is the future of e-government services (2020-2030)? WHAT SHOULD GOVERNMENTS DO FROM NOW ON TO GET READY? IFIP e-government conference (eGov), Lausanne, Suisse, 2010/08/29-09/02. Panel member.
  76. Montreuil B., R.D. Meller, E. Ballot (2010) Towards a physical internet: the impact on logistics facilities and material handling systems design and innovation, International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2010), Milwaukee, États-Unis, 2010/06/21-24
  77. Marcotte S., E. Brotherton, B. Montreuil, M. Durand (2010). Holographic Layout of Service Networks for the CollaborAction Game. 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC 2010), Cancun, Mexique, 2010/06/05-09
  78. Montreuil B., H. Sohrabi (2010). From Private Supply Networks to Open Supply Webs. 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC 2010), Cancun, Mexique, 2010/06/05-09
  79. Marcotte S., B. Montreuil, E. Brotherton, M. Durand (2010). Robust Holographic Layout of Service Networks for Supporting CollaborAction Game Based Learning. Journées de l’Optimisation / Optimization days (JOPT 2010), Montréal, 2010/05/10-12
  80. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe. (2010) Retail Store demand Estimation for supply network simulation. 8ème ENIM IFAC Conférence Internationale de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2010), Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010/05/10-12.
  81. Naccache S., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe, E. Brotherton, S. Mellouli (2010). Simulations participatives du XBeerGame: comparaisons des performances entre joueurs humains et agents decisionnels. 8ème ENIM IFAC Conférence Internationale de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2010), Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010/05/10-12.
  82. Hakimi D., B. Montreuil, O. Labarthe. (2010) Supply web agent‐based simulation platform. International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2010), Casablanca, Maroc, 2010/04/13-16.
  83. Charfeddine M., V. Augusto, B. Montreuil (2010) Specialized Healthcare Network Redeployment Maximizing Multiple Stakeholders Satisfaction Using Ant Colony Optimization, 2010 IEEE Workshop on Health Care Management, Venice, Italy, 2010/02/18-20.
  84. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil and O. Labarthe (2009). Supply Web: Concept and Technology. 7th Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, Toronto, Canada. 2009/10/28-30.
  85. Montreuil B. (2009). Warehousing 101, Material Handling Teacher’s Institute, Arkansas, U.S.A, 2009/06/14-19.
  86. Montreuil B. (2009). Évolution de la Conception, 8e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France, 2009/06/10-12.
  87. Bouchard J., et Montreuil B., (2009). Méthode de prévision journalière de séries temporelles saisonnières, 8e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France, 2009/06/10-12.
  88. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, O. Labarthe, & A. Morneau (2009). XBeerGame: simulations participatives pour le pilotage et l’analyse de chaînes logistiques, 8e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI 2009), Tarbes, France, 2009/06/10-12.
  89. Sabar, M., B. Montreuil et J.-M. Frayret (2009).  An agent-based Algorithm for Personnel Scheduling and Rescheduling in Assembly CentersINCOM 2009, Moscow, Russia, 2009/06/03-05.
  90. Montreuil, B. (2009), On the evolution of computational intelligence and design methodologies in facilities design, 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, USA,  2009/05/30-2009/06/03.
  91. Montreuil, B., O. Labarthe, D. Hakimi, A. Larcher & M. Audet (2009). Supply Web Mapper, Industrial Engineering and Systems Management Conference (IESM), 2009-05-13/15, Montréal, Canada. *D. Hakimi winner of the best graduate research paper
  92. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, R. Glardon, M-J Yoo, Y. Elamiri, A.-S. Borter, A. Morneau, S. Naciri & P. Jermann (2008), Experiences in using the XBeerGame simulation tool for Supply Chain Management courses, ECGBL 2008 European Conference on Game Based Learning, Barcelona, Spain, 2008/10/16-17.
  93. Montreuil B. & S. Caisse (2008). Exploiting a Business Design Framework for Modeling Multi-Stakeholder Business Relationships, e-Business Research Forum 2008, Helsinki, Finland, 2008/09/22-24.
  94. Sabar M., B. Montreuil & J-M Frayret (2008), A multi-agent approach based on kernel-stable coalitions for personnel scheduling in assembly centers, 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications & Practice, Las Vegas, États-Unis, 2008/09/07-10.
  95. Charfeddine M. & B. Montreuil (2008). Une approche de mappage stratégique de réseaux de santé intégrés (An approach for strategic mapping of integrated health networks), GISEH 2008 Gestion et ingénierie des systèmes hospitaliers, Lausanne, Suisse, 2008/09/04-06.
  96. Hakimi, D., B. Montreuil & A. Ruiz (2008). Impacts of RFID Deployment on Real Time Management of Retail Stores, 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 2008/07/06-11
  97. Meller R., B. Montreuil, J. Tompkins, J. Walker & D. Ward (2008), Panel on the Material Handling & Logistics Summit l, 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2008/06/18-21.
  98. Smith J., B. Montreuil & E. Brotherton (2008), Virtual Facility Tours, 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2008/06/18-21.
  99. Montreuil B., J. Ashayeri, J. Lagerwaard & G. Janssen. (2008). Business intelligence design for live piloting of order fulfillment centers, Proceedings of 2008 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2008), Dortmund, Allemagne, 2008/05/28 - 2008/06/02.
  100. Marcotte, S., M-E, Hallé, & B. Montreuil (2008). Computer hardware reverse logistics: a field study of Canadian facilities, Proceedings of 2008 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2008), Dortmund, Allemagne, 2008/05/28 – 2008/06/02.
  101. Montreuil, B. (2008), R. Nigam & Z. Su, Global supply network challenges: a client centric perspective, ASAC 2008 - Congrès annuel de l'Association des sciences administratives du Canada, Halifax, Canada, 2008/05/24-27.
  102. Montreuil, B., A. Ruiz & D. Hakimi (2008), Item-Level RFID in Retail Facilities: Exploratory Investigation of its Value Creation Potential for Enabling the Real-Time Retail Demand and Supply Chain, 2008 ISOM/ISE Workshop on RFID & Supply Chain Information Management, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., 2008/02/15-16.
  103. Caisse S., D. Poulin, B. Montreuil & S. D'Amours. (2007). Cadre de positionnement conceptuel des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) dans le contexte des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) manufacturières, 1st e-Commerce & Internet Governance, ECIG 2007, Sousse, Tunisia, 2007/10/19-20.
  104. Rougès J.-F., D. Poulin, S. D'Amours & B. Montreuil, Les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, levier de performance pour les PME : revue d'une littérature ambiguë, 1st e-Commerce & Internet Governance, ECIG 2007, Sousse, Tunisia, 2007/10/19-20.
  105. Caisse S. & B. Montreuil (2007). Business Model Innovation in a Transforming Commodity Industry: The Case of a Canadian Lumber Remanufacturer, e-Business Research Forum 2007, Tampere, Finland, 2007/09/25-27.
  106. Labarthe, O., B. Montreuil, A. Ferrarini & B. Espinasse (2007). Coordination de chaînes logistiques centrées consommateurs : modélisations et simulations orientées agents, 7e Congrès International de Génie Industriel (CIGI’07), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, 2007/06/05-09.
  107. Nour El Fath M., N. Nahas, & B. Montreuil. (2007). Ant colony optimization and the degraded ceiling algorithm for the discrete facility layout problem, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2007), Beijing, 2007/05/30 – 2007/06/02.
  108. Montreuil B., M. Charfeddine, O. Labarthe & A. Côté (2007). A generic agent-based framework for simulation in distributed healthcare systems, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM’07), Beijing, China, 2007/05/30 – 2007/06/02.
  109. Charfeddine M. & B. Montreuil (2007). Toward An Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Health Delivery Systems, Canadian Operations Research Society Annual Conference (CORS 2007), London, ON, Canada, 2007/05/13 – 2007/05/16.
  110. Montreuil B. & S. Caisse (2006). Mapping Client Expectations for Better Business Design Innovation, e-Business Research Forum 2006, Tampere, Finland, 2006/11/28-2006/12/02.
  111. Montreuil B. (2006). Facilities Network Design: A Recursive Modular Protomodel Based Approach, 2006 International Materials Handling Research Colloquium, Salt Lake City, U.S.A, 2006/06/9-16.
  112. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2006). Resource Planning Algorithm for Personalizing Networks, INCOM 2006, St-Étienne, France, 2006/05/17-19.
  113. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2006). A simulation-based algorithm for resource planning in the context of personalized offers, International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS), Lyon, France, 2006/05/15-17.
  114. Montreuil B., C. Cloutier, O. Labarthe & J. Loubier (2006). Agent-oriented modeling of distributed supply chains, International Conférence on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS), Lyon, France, 2006/05/15-17.
  115. Montreuil B., O. Labarthe, C. Cloutier & X. Zheng (2006). Modélisation des clients pour la simulation de dates de livraison, 6ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation (MOSIM’06), Rabat, Maroc, 2006/04/3-5, 862-871. Prix du meilleur article Jeune Chercheur.
  116. Montreuil B. & A. Ruiz, (2005). Modeling and simulating retail facilities exploiting connective technologies, IFORS 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2005/07/11-15.
  117. Bolduc M.C., Renaud J., Montreuil B. (2005). Synchronized Routing of Seasonal Products through a Production/Distribution Network, Journées d’Optimisation, Montreal, Qc, Canada, 2005/05/9-11.
  118. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton & N. Ouazzani (2005). Metaheuristic for Facility Layout : Coupling Ant System with Zone-Based Optimization, Journées d’Optimisation, Montreal, Qc, Canada, 2005/05/9-11.
  119. Benmoussa A. & B. Montreuil (2005). Approvisionnement unipériodique d’une gamme de produits avec contraintes budgétaires et coûts de pénurie et de transport, Journées d’Optimisation, Montréal, Qc, Canada, 2005/05/9-11.
  120. Poulin M., B. Montreuil & A. Martel (2005). A Resource Planning Heuristic for Personalizing Business Networks, Journées d’Optimisation, Montreal, Qc, Canada, 2005/05/9-11.
  121. Montreuil B. & C. Cloutier (2005). Customer-Centric Demand and Supply Chain Simulation, 2nd European Forum on Market-Driven Supply-Chains, Milan, Italy, 2005/04/5-6.
  122. Montreuil B. (2005). Exploring the Trade-offs in Facilities Design using the WebLayout Software Package, CSIE Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2005-01-21.
  123. Montreuil B., E. Brotherton, M. Nourelfath & N. Ouazzani (2004). Exploring the Potential of Ant Colony Metaheuristic for Facility Layout Optimization, INFORMS 2004, 2004/10/22-27, Denver, CO, U.S.A.
  124. Bolduc M.C., Ruiz A., Renaud J., Montreuil B. (2004). Intégration des opérations de production et de transport en contexte de production de masse, Journées d’Optimisation, Montréal, Qc, Canada, 2004/05/10-12.
  125. Montreuil B. & N. Ouazzani (2004). WebLayout ou la conception d’usines virtuelles, CAPTIC 2004, Québec, Canada, 2004/03/17-19.
  126. Abid C., D'Amours S., Montreuil B. (2003). Planification collaborative et stable d'un centre de production d’un manufacturier d’autocar dans environnement dynamique incertain Journées d’Optimisation, Montréal, Québec.
  127. Paquet M., Montreuil B. (2003). Un modèle de conception de réseaux manufacturiers basé sur les habiletés des ressources, Journées d’Optimisation, 2003/05/5-7, Montréal, Québec.
  128. Poulin M., Montreuil B. (2003). Resource Planning for Personalized Offers, Journées d’Optimisation, 2003/05/5-7, Montréal, Québec.
  129. Montreuil B., Abid C., Turmel M, Reid V-P. (2002). NetMan, un système d’opération pour la production en réseau, second edition of ExpoTech Chaudière-Appalaches, 4 octobre 2002, Québec.
  130. Montreuil B. (2002). e-Network Tutorial, CORS 2002, 2002/06/3-5, Toronto, Canada.
  131. Montreuil B & O. Labarthe (2001). Golf Game : Un projet d’entreprise virtuelle d’apprentissage, Séminaire du CENTOR.
  132. Montreuil B. & A. Beaulieu (2000). Concurrent Manufacturing Network and Operating Strategy Planning, IE Solutions Conference, Cleveland, U.S.A., May 22.
  133. D’Amours S., Montreuil B., Moke J. and Desaulniers G., (2000). Contract-based tactical planning of supply chain. INFORMS, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
  134. D’Amours S., C. Abid & B. Montreuil (2000). Promising Delivery Dates to Clients in Long-Cycle Assembly Centers, INFORMS 2000 Conference, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., May 9.
  135. Montreuil B. & A. Beaulieu (2000). An Agile Complex-Product Assembly Line Planning Framework, INFORMS 2000 Conference, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., May 9.
  136. Montreuil B. & A. Jabiri (2000). Enabling Throughput Flexibility in Complex-Products Assembly Centers, INFORMS 2000 Conference, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., May 9.
  137. Montreuil B., A. Beaulieu, S. Desrosiers & F. Boutet (2000). Planning Operations in Small Agile Assembly Centers, INFORMS 2000 Conference, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., May 9.
  138. Montreuil B., M. Poulin & A. Beaulieu (1999). Responsibility-Based Design of Networked Production System, INFORMS Conference, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1999/11/07-09.
  139. Montreuil B., N. Lacasse & D. Poulin (1999). Transfer of Technology – Strategic and Legal Issues, 38th Conference of Metallurgists/ conférence des Métallurgistes, Quebec, Qc., Canada, 1999/08/23-25.
  140. Montreuil B. (1999). Factory Design Optimization in the Era of the Agile Virtual Network, Canadian Operations Research Society Conference Windsor ‘99, Invited tutorial, Windsor, Ont., Canada, June 6-8.
  141. Montreuil B. (1999). OR Research Centers in Canada : A Panel – Presentation of the CENTOR Research Center, Canadian Operations Research Society Conference Windsor ‘99, Invited tutorial, Windsor, Ont., Canada, June 6-8.
  142. Marcotte S. & B. Montreuil (1999). Le concept d'aménagement holographique et ses particularités, Montréal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mai.
  143. Paquet M. & B. Montreuil (1999). Conception d’un prototype logiciel de planification de l’évolution d’usines organisées en réseau de responsabilité, Montréal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May.
  144. Poulin M. & B. Montreuil (1999). Planification des besoins en capacité d’une usine agile organisée en réseau de responsabilité et produisant une vaste gamme de produits, Montréal 3rd International Industrial Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, may.
  145. Montreuil B. (1999). Trends in Networked Manufacturing Management and Technology, ICM Conference on Supply Chain Management, Toronto, Canada, February 10-11.
  146. Montreuil B. (1999). Factory Design Optimization in the Era of Agile Virtual Networks, Canadian Industrial Engineering Conference, Halifax, January 22-23.
  147. Venkatadri U., Lyonnais P., Montreuil B., D’Amours S. (1998). NetMan : an operating system for Networked Manufacturing, ACFAS, Quebec, May.
  148. D’Amours S., Lefrançois P., Montreuil B., Soumis F. (1997). Networked Manufacturing: the impact of information sharing, INFORMS, Montreal, May.
  149. D’Amours S., Frayret J.M., Montreuil B. (1997). Système d’aide à la décision pour le calcul du risque dans une chaîne logistique, Optimization days, Montréal, May.
  150. Montreuil B. et al. (1995-1998), An average of four international research conferences a year, mostly on invitation.
  151. Montreuil, B., U. Venkatadri & R.L. Rardin (1994). Fractal Layout Organization of Manufacturing Factories, 3rd Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Atlanta, U.S.A., May 18-19.
  152. Montreuil, B. (1993). Object/Agent Design Environment for Dynamic Factory Design, 44th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, U.S.A., May.
  153. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois, S. Marcotte & U. Venkatadri (1993). Holographic Layout of Manufacturing Systems Operating in Chaotic Environments, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  154. Montreuil, B. & H. Paquet (1993). Introducing the Concept of Modular Transportation, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  155. Marcotte, S., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1993). Holographic Layout Design Optimization, CORS Canadian Operational Research Society Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, May. 
  156. Dufour, S., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1993). An Object/Agent Oriented Simulation Model of Truck Terminals, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  157. Lefrançois, P., B. Montreuil & M. Turmel (1993). Managing Work-in-Transit in a Terminal Through Virtual Carriers, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  158. Paquet, H. & B. Montreuil (1993). Optimizing Synchronization of Operations in a Freight Transportation Terminal, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  159. Ramudhin, A., B. Montreuil, P. Lefrançois & F. Soumis (1993). Recent Advances in Scheduling of Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  160. D'Amours, S., B. Montreuil & F. Soumis (1993). A Generalized Model for Planning Serial Operations Through Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, Journées de l'optimisa­tion/Optimization Days, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  161.  Marier, P., B. Montreuil & A. Ramudhin (1993). Optimizing Serial Operations Through Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, Journées de l'optimisation/Optimization Days, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  162. Noël, F., A. Ramudhin & B. Montreuil (1993). Scheduling Project Activities in a Distributed Environment, Journées de l'optimisation/Optimization Days, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  163. Marcotte, S., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1993). Holographic Layout Design Optimization, Journées de l'optimisation/Optimization Days, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  164. Blanchet, É., B. Montreuil & P. Lefrançois (1993). Organism/Agent Based Environment for 3-D Dynamic Organized Layout Design Optimization, Journées de l'optimisation /Optimization Days, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  165. Poulin, D., B. Montreuil & S. Gauvin, (1993). Alliances stratégiques et réseaux d'entreprises, Les Vendredis de la Compétitivité, Faculté des sciences de l'administration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, novembre.
  166. Montreuil, B., F. Boctor & A. Martel, (1993). Maîtriser les technologies de production et de distribution, Les Vendredis de la Compétitivité, Faculté des sciences de l'administration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, novembre.
  167. Montreuil B. (1993). Recherche en aménagement dynamique des installations, Séminaire sur la recherche en sciences de l'administration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, février.
  168. Montreuil, B., J. Drolet & P. Lefrançois (1992). Conception et Gestion de Systèmes Manufac­turiers Cellulaires Virtuels / The Design and Management of Virtual Cellular manufacturing Systems, APICS 35th International Conference, Montreal, Qc, October.
  169. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois, A. Ramudhin et S. D'Amours (1992). A Conceptual Introduction to Symbiotic Manufacturing Networks, International Conference on Economics/ Management and Infor­mation Technology, Tokyo, Japan, September.
  170. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois et M.-H. Filteau (1992). Virtual Carrier Transit Systems : Managing the Transit between Assembly and Shipping, International Colloquium on Material Handling Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June.
  171. Langevin, A., B. Montreuil et D. Riopel (1992). Integrating a flow network within general layout design, TIMS/ORSA Conference, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., May.
  172. Montreuil, B. P. Lefrançois et S. Marcotte (1992). On the evaluation of manufacturing layouts for highly volatile environments, Journées de l'optimisation 1992, Montreal, May.
  173. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois et E. Blanchet (1992). Optimizing Dynamic Tridimensional Organized Layout, First Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Chicago, U.S.A., May.
  174. Jobin, M.-H., P. Lefrançois et B. Montreuil (1992). Communicating Scheduling Information Between Agents Using a Public 3-D Gantt Chart, International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, May.
  175. Mayrand, É., P. Lefrançois et B. Montreuil (1992). An Agent-Oriented Model of Manufacturing Activities, International Conference on Object-Oriented Manufacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, May.
  176. Montreuil, B., P. Lefrançois et E. Blanchet (1992). Organism Oriented Layout of Manufacturing Systems, International Conference on Object-Oriented Manfacturing Systems, Calgary, Alberta, May.
  177. Lefrançois, P. et B. Montreuil (1992). Object/Agent Oriented Modeling of a Rolling-Mill Facility, 3rd International Conference on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Lyon, France, March.
  178. Montreuil B. (1992). Recherche sur le concept de microcosme industriel, Séminaire sur la recherche en sciences de l'administration, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, février.
  179. Montreuil B. (1991). L'ingénieur et l'environnement économique de la prochaine décennie, Congrès des étudiants en génie électrique : Étudiant aujourd'hui, ingénieur demain, Château Frontenac, Québec, Canada, novembre.
  180. Drolet, J.R., C.L. Moodie et B. Montreuil (1991). Object-oriented simulation with Smalltalk-80 : a case study, 1991 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., December.
  181. Langevin, A., D. Riopel et B. Montreuil (1991). Spine-type plant layout design, ORSA-TIMS Conference, Anaheim, CA, U.S.A., November.
  182. Drolet, J.R., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1991). Empirical investigation of virtual cellular manufacturing systems, International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Singapore, October.
  183. Montreuil, B. (1991). Industrial microcosm : setting the stage for next-generation manufacturing enterprises, International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Singapore, October.
  184. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1991). Scattered layout of intelligent job shops operating in a volatile environment, International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufac­turing, Singapore, October.
  185. Lefrançois, P., M.-H. Jobin et B. Montreuil (1991). An object-oriented knowledge representation in real-time scheduling, Joint US/German conference on new directions for oper. res. in manuf., Gaithersburg, MA, U.S.A., July.
  186. Chhajed, D., T.J. Lowe & B. Montreuil (1991). Integrated station location and flow network design for manufacturing systems layout, Joint US/German conference on new directions for oper. res. in manuf., Gaithersburg, MA, USA, July
  187. Bruneau, J., B. Montreuil & G. D'Avignon (1991). Conception et organisation des opérations de terminus pour le transport routier des marchandises : les impacts des nouvelles technologies sur la qualification de l'emploi de la main-d'oeuvre en manutention, 26e congrès annuel de l'A.Q.T.R., Québec, Canada, avril.
  188. Montreuil, B., U. Venkatadri & P. Lefrançois (1991). Holographic layout of manufacturing systems, 19th IIE Conference on systems integration, Orlando, U.S.A., October ; également disponible comme document FSA 91-76, Université Laval, Qc, Canada.
  189. Lefrançois, P. & B. Montreuil (1991). Virtual carrier transit systems, SCRO/CORS Conference, Quebec, Canada, May.
  190. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1991). Layout of virtual manufacturing systems, SCRO/CORS Conference, Quebec, Canada, May.
  191. D'Avignon G. & B. Montreuil (1991). Dynamic truck-to-door assignment at a terminal using a two-step optimization approach, Journées de l'optimisation/Optimization days, Montreal, Canada, May.
  192. Laforge, A. & B. Montreuil (1991). Gestion en temps réel de l'aménagement de systèmes manufacturiers : modèle d'optimisation, Journées de l'optimisation / Optimization days, Montréal, Canada, mai.
  193. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1991). Holographic layout of job shops operating in volatile environments, Journées de l'optimisation / Optimization days, Montréal, Canada, May.
  194. Filteau, M.-H., P. Lefrançois & B. Montreuil (1991). Gestion de produits en transit de la production à l'expédition dans un environnement juste-à-temps, Colloque de l'association canadienne pour la gestion de la production et des stocks, Montréal, Canada, avril.
  195. Laforge, A. & B. Montreuil (1991). Gestion en temps réel de l'aménagement de systèmes manufacturiers : le cas d'industries Couture Inc., Colloque de l'association canadienne pour la gestion de la production et des stocks, Montréal, Canada, avril.
  196. Montreuil B. (1991). Le microcosme industriel, Journée d'étude sur le microcosme industriel, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, mars.
  197. Montreuil B. (1991). Conception assistée par ordinateur d'aménagement d'usine avec CADFLO, Séminaire École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Québec, Canada, mars.
  198. Montreuil B. (1991). Introduction au concept de microcosme industriel, Club du vendredi de la F.S.A., Université Laval, Québec, Canada, janvier.
  199. Montreuil B. (1990). Environnement intelligent de conception et gestion de systèmes de production, Séminaire gradué en informatique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, October.
  200. Montreuil, B. & P. Lefrançois (1990). An intelligent environment for virtual scheduling in a rolling-mill facility, 1990 CMOM Annual Conference — Research Session, Center for Manuf. and Operation Management, University of Rochester, NY, U.S.A., September.
  201. Montreuil, B. & P. Lefrançois (1990). Environnements intelligents de design et de gestion de systèmes productifs, Colloque sur la productivité : outils technologiques d'amélioration, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Canada, septembre.
  202. Montreuil, B. (1990). Modelling Framework for Integrating Flow Network Design and Layout Design, Material Handling Research Colloquium, Hebron, KY, U.S.A., June (one of 40 invited international researchers).
  203. Montreuil, B. & A. Laforge (1990). Dynamic Layout Design, CORS/90 National Conference, Ottawa, May.
  204. Montreuil, B. & A. Laforge (1990). Gestion dynamique des aménagements d'usine, 58e Congrès ACFAS, Québec, Canada, mai.
  205. Montreuil, B., G. D'Avignon & P. Lyonnais (1990). Dynamic Dock Assignment for LTL Terminal Operations in the Motor-Carrier Industry, Las Vegas TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, May.
  206. Montreuil, B. & A. Laforge (1990). Dynamic Layout Design given Stochastic Future Scenarios, Las Vegas TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, May.
  207. Montreuil, B. & A. Rais (1990). Optimal Transition Scheduling in Dynamic Layouts, Journées de l'optimisation 1990/Optimization Days 1990, May (scheduling session director).
  208. Montreuil, B. (1990). Dynamic Assignment of Trucks to Docks in Fright Transportation Terminus, Journées de l'optimisation 1990/Optimization Days 1990, May.
  209. Montreuil, B. (1990). Towards intelligent facilities layout design environments, US postal services 4th advanced technology conf., Washington, D.C., USA, November.
  210. Lefrançois, P., B. Montreuil & S. Dupont (1990). Approches objets & la notion d'agent pour la conception, la planification & le contrôle informatisé de la production, Congrès 1990 de l'ASAC, Whistler, B.C., Canada, juin.
  211. Banerjee, P., B. Montreuil, C.L. Moodie & R.L. Kashyap (1990). Qualitative Peasoning-based Interactive Optimization Methodology for Layout Design, 1990 International Industrial Engineering Conference, San Francisco, USA, May ; également disponible comme document FSA 90-14, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
  212.  Drolet, J., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1990a). Virtual cellular manufacturing layout planning, 1990 International Industrial Engineering Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A., May.
  213. Montreuil, B. (1989). Efficient Facility Layout Design Models, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, New York, NY, U.S.A., October.
  214. Montreuil, B. (1989). A Unifying Framework for Efficient Layout Design Models, TIMS OSAKA 89 Internat. Conference, Osaka, Japan, July.
  215. Chhajed, D., T.J. Lowe & B. Montreuil (1989). Integrated Optimization Models for Layout and Flow Network Design, CORS/ORSA/TIMS Conf., Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June.
  216. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1989). Generating a Net Layout from a Gross Layout, Internat. Industrial Engrg Conf., Toronto, Canada, May.
  217. Montreuil, B., U. Venkatadri & H.D. Ratliff (1989). Generating Layouts from Design Skeletons : An Efficient Design Model, CORS/TIMS/ORSA Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May.
  218. Drolet, J., B. Montreuil & C.L. Moodie (1989b). Decision Architecture for Scheduling Virtual Cellular Manufacturing Systems, IFAC International Workshop on Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing, Genova, Italy, September.
  219. Drolet, J., C.L. Moodie & B. Montreuil (1989c). An Expansion of the Virtual Cell Concept for Scheduling Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Xth International Conference on Production Research, Nottingham, United Kingdom, August.
  220. Drolet, J., C.L. Moodie & B. Montreuil (1989d). Scheduling Factories of the Future, CIRP Conference on New Manufacturing Technology, Cookeville, IN, U.S.A., June 1-2.
  221. Chhajed, D., B. Montreuil & T. Lowe (1988). Material Flow Network Design, ORSA/TIMS winter Conference, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., November.
  222. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1988). Strategic Interpolative Plan. of Manuf. Syst. Layout Expansions, ORSA/TIMS Conference, Denver, U.S.A., October.
  223. Montreuil, B. & U. Venkatadri (1988). Planification stratégique interpolative d'aménagements de systèmes dynamiques, Club du Vendredi de la FSA, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, octobre.
  224.  Montreuil, B. (1988). Specifications for Knowledge Representation in Intelligent Systems Layout Design Environments, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Advanced Information Technolo­gies for Industrial Material Flow Systems, Grenoble, France, June.
  225. Montreuil, B. (1988). Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Systems Layout Design, 1988 IIE Conference, chapter 124, South Bend, IN, U.S.A., April.
  226. Montreuil, B. (1988b). Manufacturing Systems Layout : From Design Skeleton to Net Layout, 2e Conférence Internationale de Génie Industriel en France, Nancy, France, December.
  227. Montreuil, B. & D. Stump (1988). Knowledge Preanalysis for Manufacturing Systems Layout, IIE International Industrial Engineering Conference, Orlando, FL., USA, May, 180-188.
  228. Montreuil B. (1987). Aménagement d'usines assisté par ordinateur : concepts, modèles, systèmes, Séminaire en opérations et systèmes de décision, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, décembre.
  229. Montreuil, B. & P. Banerjee (1987). Object Based Programming for Computer Aided Layout of Productic Systems, COMPINT'87, International Conference IEEE Montech'87, Montreal, Canada, November.
  230. Montreuil, B. & S.Y. Nof (1987). Approaches for Logical vs Physical Design of Intelligent Production Facilities, IXth International Conference on Production Research, August, Cincinnati, OH, USA
  231. Montreuil, B. (1987). A Methodology for the Integrated Design of Manufacturing System Layout and Flow Network, 1987 Symposium on Integrated and Intelligent Manufacturing : Analysis and Synthesis, 1987 Winter Annual ASME Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S.A., December.
  232. Montreuil, B. & L. Thompson (1987). Dynamic Layout Strategies for Intelligent Warehousing Syst., ORSA/TIMS Conference, St-Louis, U.S.A., November.
  233. Montreuil, B. (1987). Recent Advances in Computer Aided Engineering of Manufacturing Systems Layout, Canadian Engineering Centennial Conference, Montreal, Qc, Canada, May.
  234. Galarneau, L., B. Montreuil, E. Provancher, R. Chahine and F. Soumis (1987). Ordonnancement en temps réel d'un système logistique intégré de gaz naturel par fardier, 1987 National Transportation Conference, Windsor, Canada, mars.
  235. Montreuil, B. (1986). Planification des systèmes industriels intelligents : activités de recherche, Colloque La Robotique au Québec, ACFAS 86, Montréal, Qc, 13-14 mai.
  236. Ramudhin, A. et B. Montreuil (1986). Conception de systèmes de véhicules autoguidés par simulation, 54e Congrès - ACFAS 86, Montréal, Qc, 12-16 mai.
  237. Montreuil, B. et A. Ramudhin (1986). Hierarchical Facilities Layout Optimization, An Experimental Investigation, Conférence annuelle ORSA/TIMS, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., 11-13 avril.
  238. Ratliff, H.D. et B. Montreuil (1986). The Role of Optimization Models in Facilities Layout, Conférence annuelle ORSA/TIMS, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., April 11-13.
  239. Montreuil, B. (1985) Ingénierie assistée par ordinateur d'aménagements industriels, Colloque CAO/FAO-Robotique, Montréal, Qc, 4-6 décembre.
  240. Montreuil, B. (1985). Aménagement d'usines : l'état de l'art en optimisation, Journées de l'optimisation, Montréal, Qc, 2-3 mai.
  241. Montreuil, B. (1985). CAD-Based Interactive Optimization for Facility Layout and Flow Structure Design, Conférence ORSA/TIMS, Boston, MA, U.S.A., April 29 - May 1th
  242. Montreuil, B. (1984). Récentes recherches en aménagement assisté par ordinateur d'installa­tions industrielles, Colloque CAO/FAO Robotique, 27-29 novembre, Montréal, Qc.
  243. Montreuil, B. (1984). Integrated Design of Industrial Facility Layout and Material Flow Structure through CAD-based Interactive Optimization, Séminaire spécial de génie industriel, July 12, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.
  244. Montreuil, B. (1983). Le système d'aménagement assisté par ordinateur TREE, Conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de génie industriel, 30 septembre-1er octobre.
  245. Papineau, R.L., R. Rochette, B. Montreuil (1983). Implantation de CFAO dans la PME manufacturière, Conférence annuelle de la Société canadienne de génie industriel, 30 septembre-1er octobre, Montréal, Qc.
  246. Papineau, R.L., R. Rochette, B. Montreuil (1983). Implantation des nouvelles technolo­gies dans les PME manufacturières, Conférence annuelle de l'ACFAS, 25-27 mai, Trois-Rivières, Qc.
  247. Montreuil, B. (1983). Aménagement assisté par ordinateur d'installations industrielles de type arbre, Conférence annuelle de l'ACFAS, 25-27 mai, Trois-Rivières, Qc.
  248. Montreuil, B. (1983). Aménagement d'installations par optimisation interactive, Les journées de l'optimisation, 11-13 mai, Montréal, Qc.
  249. Montreuil, B., H.D. Ratliff (1982). Interactive Layout Using Spines and Trees, 1982 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference, November 14-17, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.
  250. Goetschalckx, M., B. Montreuil, H.D. Ratliff (1982). Interactive Facility System Design, EURO V/TIMS XXV Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, July.
  251. Montreuil, B., H.D. Ratliff, M. Goetschalckx (1981). Interactive Plant Layout Utilizing Colorgraphics Computers, 1981 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference, December,6-9, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
  252. Montreuil, B., H.D. Ratliff, M. Goetschalckx (1981). Computer Aided Plant Layout, 1981 International Logistics Congress, April 12, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
  253. Montreuil, B., H.D. Ratliff, M. Goetschalckx (1980). Interactive Facilities Layout Using Colorgraphics, Third National Conference for Computers and Industrial Engineering, October 22-24, Orlando, FL, U.S.A.

D4. Invited Seminar Presentations

  1. Montreuil B. (2018). Supply Chain, The Blockchain Roundtable, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., 2018/12/5.  Panelist
  2. Montreuil B. (2016). The Physical Internet Journey : Towards Efficient and Sustainable Hyperconnected Logistics and Supply Chains, SAP Supply Chain Forum 2016, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., 2016/10/13 : Guest speaker
  3. Montreuil B. (2016). Omnichannel Logistics and Supply Chains : From Fundamentals to Hyperconnectivity, Tutorial Presentation to Manhattan Associates, Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A., 2016/09/30: Guest speaker
  4. Montreuil B. (2015). The Physical Internet Concept : Towards a Interconnected Era of Efficient & Sustainable Logistics, Supply Chains and Transportation, Supply Chain Executive Forum, Supply Chain & Logistics Institute, Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, U.S.A., 2015/06/08. Invited speaker
  5. Montreuil, B. (2010). Towards a Physical Internet: A Grand Challenge. Dagstuhl-Seminar Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2010/03/7-12.  Invited speaker
  6. Montreuil B. (2000), NetMan : An Operating System for Networked Manufacturing, ISYE Research Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A., October 30th. Guest speaker

D5. Other Presentations

  1. Montreuil B. (2020). Physical Internet Concepts, The 2020 Southern California e-Commerce & Logistics Summit, Virtual, 2020/7/22. Invited Speaker
  2. Montreuil B. (2020).  Assessment of Simulated Containerized Network, GTPIC Executive Presentation, Virtual, 2020/6/15. Invited Speaker
  3. Montreuil B. (2019).  Americold Customer Summit, Adairsville, GA, U.S.A., 2019/6/11-14. Invited speaker
  4. Montreuil B. (2019).  The Southern California e-Commerce and Logistics Summit, Orange County, CA, U.S.A., 2019/4/23-2  Invited speaker
  5. Montreuil B. (2018). Physical Internet Enabled Hyperconnected Distribution, Toulouse University and IMT Mines Albi, Toulouse, France.  2018/05/3-7.  Invited speaker
  6. Montreuil B. (2018).   Physical Internet Enable Hyperconnected Transportation and Logistics, Canadian National Railways, Montreal, Canada.  2018.  Invited speaker